Admont, Stiftsbibliothek, 24, fol. 145r

Present Location

24, fol. 145r

Medieval Provenance

General Information


A copy of Bede's Death Song in a text of Cuthbert's Epistola de obitu Bedae.

The manuscript, containing 215 folios, is one of six exemplars of a legendary called Magnum Legendarium Austraicum assembled in the late twelfth century within the borders of the Duchies of Austria and Styria (modern Austria/Southern Germany). This volume covers saints with feast days between April 1 and June 30 and includes lives of English and Irish saints. The first part of the work is Admont, Stiftsbibliothek, MS 25 (covering January 1 to March 31). 

Bede's Death Song occurs on fol. 145r, column 2, in the Epistola de obitu Bedae by Cuthbert. It is a corrupted text of the Northumbrian version of the Death Song, in contrast to the other manuscripts in this Project, which contain the West Saxon version. The errors in the text indicate that the scribes were not familiar with Old English.

Digital Surrogate:

Manuscript Items

Item: fol. 145rb


  • Title: Bede's Death Song: Northumbrian Version

    Text: Fore the neid facere naenig uui|urthit thonsenoth. turra than him thraf sie wym | hycggannae aer his hiniongae hua eachis gaste | godeles aeththa yflaes aefter deoht daege doemit uueorthe.

    Text language: English

    Date: s. xiiex

Object Description







Hand Description

Accompanying Material

The main text of the legendary is preceded by a fragment of a church calendar and a list of 72 languages on an unnumbered page.

The saints' lives are ordered as follows:

  • (8v) Vita Burgundofarae.
  • (13r) Paulinus, Vita Ambrosii
  • (23v-57r) Ps. Iohannes Damascenus, Vita Barlaam et Iosaphat, version II 
  • (57r) Vita Liudgeri 
  • (69v) Vita Gregorii abb. Porcetensis 
  • (75v) Wibertus archidiac. Tullensis, Vita Leonis IX. papae 
  • (87r) Gregorius Turonensis, Vita Nicetii ep. Lugdunensis 
  • (92r) Iohannes Canaparius, Vita Adalberti
  • (98r) Vita Richarii
  • (102r) Vita Gregorii ep. Lingonensis 
  • (103) Vita Hospitii
  • (105v) Passio Sigismundi
  • (112r) Vita Pachomii (interprete Dionysio Exiguo) 
  • (120v) Vita Wilfridi, ep. Eboracensis
  • (122r) Vita Peregrini 
  • (126r) Vita Senesii et Theopontii
  • (126v) Vita Austregisili ep
  • (127v) Warnahar, Vita Desiderii ep. Viennensis 
  • (129r) Vita Albarti
  • (129v) Paulus Bernriedensis, Vita Gregorii VII. papae 
  • (143v) Vita Augustini episc. Anglorum
  • (145r) Vita Bedae (Epistola Cuthberti de obitu Bedae) 
  • (146v) Vita et Passio Carauni
  • (149r) Constantius presbyter, Vita Germani ep. Autissiodorensis 
  • (149r) Vita Iohannis papae 
  • (150r) Vita Germani Parisiensis (Prolog) 
  • (151v) Servatus Lupus, Vita Maximini 
  • (160v) Vita Quirini ep. Scisciani mart. sub Galerio
  • (161v) Vita Bonifatii ep. Moguntini 
  • (171r-v) Vita sancti Cóemgeni
  • (171v) Vita Medardi 
  • (172v) Adamnanus, Vita Columbae 
  • (188r) Vita Bardonis archiep. Moguntini 
  • (197r) Gregorius Turonensis, Vita Venantii abb. Turonensis 
  • (202r) Passio, Translatio, Miracula Quirini mart. sub Claudio, culti in monasterio Tegernseensi 
  • (204r) Vita Aviti 
  • (209v) Gozwinus, Passio Albani 
  • (215r) Beda Venerabilis, Vita Ediltrudis

Additional Information


Digital surrogate at (accessed 16 July 2018)



Modern Austria or Southern Germany (the former Duchies of Austria and Styria)


Dobbie, Elliott van Kirk, ed., The Anglo-Saxon Minor Poems, The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records, 6 (New York: Columbia University Press; London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1942)

Dobbie, Elliott van Kirk, The Manuscripts of Cædmon's Hymn and Bede's Death Song, with a Critical Text of the 'Epistola Cuthberti de obitu Bedae', Columbia University Studies in English and Comparative Literature, 128 (New York: Columbia University Press, 1937)

Laing, Margaret, Catalogue of Sources for a Linguistic Atlas of Early Medieval English (Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 1993), pp. 19-20.

Murakami, Ryuta, 'A catalogue of early northern Middle English manuscripts chiefly written in the centuries between the 9th and the early 14th', English Language and English Literature 29:1-2 (1988), 61-123.

Ó Riain, Diarmuid, ‘The Magnum legendarium Austriacum: a new investigation of one of medieval Europe’s richest hagiographical collections’, Analecta Bollandiana 133 (2015).

Wichner, Jacob, Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum Admontensis (Admont: Stift Admont, 1889).