Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 201
General Information
50, 49B
65, 65.5, 66
CCCC 201 consists of three items described by Ker 1957: Item 49A is of the beginning of the eleventh century and contains Old English translations of portions of the Regularis Concordia and Bede's homily on the The Judgment Day II. It was later (in the middle of the eleventh century) incorporated into item 49B, a collection of laws and homilies; blank space of 49A were written on by the scribe of 49B. Item 50, containing Latin and English versions of Theodulf of Orleans, Capitula, an English homily, and fragments of Usuard's Martyrology in Latin, also of the middle eleventh century, was bound with Items 49A-B later, probably by Parker, according to Ker, although it is remarkably similar in terms of mise-en-page. Previously, Ker's Item 50 was bound with CCCC 191 (the Chrodegang of Metz, Regula Canonicorum). These two (now separated) textual blocks are closely related to CCCC 196, the Old English Martyrology. The provenance of 49A and 49B is unknown; the provenance of 50 is Exeter.
Digital Surrogate:
- Item: pp. 1-7
Title (B.10.5.1): Regularis Concordia
Incipit: (p. 1/39) On þonne palmsunnandæg
Explicit: (p. 7/19) ˥ cweðe á þæt forme
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 8-
Title (B.3.4.21): Anonymous Homilies [for unspecified occasions, published]: Napier 1883 [1967], no. 1
Incipit: Adam se æresta man
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 9-10
Title (B.24.25.2): The Six Ages of the World
Rubric (initial): De etatibus mundi
Incipit: On þyssere worlde fruman.
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 10-15
Title (B.2.2.1): Wulfstan, The Christian Faith: An Outline of History
Rubric (initial): Incipiunt sermonis lupi episcopi
Incipit: Leofan men us is deope beboden. þæt we geornlice mingian
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 15-16
Title (B.2.2.2): Wulfstan, The Christian Faith: The Creed
Rubric (initial): De fide catholica
Incipit: Leofan men doð swa eow micel þearf is. understandað
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 16-19
Title (B. Wulfstan, The Christian Faith: The Creed
Rubric (initial): Sermo
Incipit: Leofan men understandað swiðe georne þæt ge æfre habban
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 19-20
Title (B. Wulfstan, Archiepiscopal Functions: A Pastoral Letter
Incipit: Wulfstan arcebisceop greteð freondlice. þegnas on ðeode ... gime se þe wille. Leofan men understandað. þæt ærest cristena manna gehwilc.
Text Language: English
- Item: p. 20
Title (B. Wulfstan, Archiepiscopal Functions: A Pastoral Letter
Rubric (initial): To folce
Incipit: Leofan men for ure ealra þearfe
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 20-21
Title (B. Wulfstan, Archiepiscopal Functions: A Pastoral Letter
Rubric (initial): To folce
Incipit: La lefoan men hwa mæg æfre
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 21-22
Title (B. Wulfstan, Archiepiscopal Functions: A Pastoral Letter
Rubric (initial): To folce
Incipit: Leofan men uton don eac swa us þearf is
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 22-24
Title (B.2.2.3): Wulfstan, The Christian Faith: Translation of the Pater Noster and of the Creed
Rubric (initial): To folce
Incipit: Leofan men habbað æfre anrædne geleafan
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 24-25
Title (B.3.4.22): Anonymous Homilies [for unspecified occasions, published]: Napier 1883 [1967], no. 23 [parts]: 'To eallum folce'
Rubric (initial): To eallum folce
Incipit: Leofan men ælcne þara ic bidde
Text Language: English
- Item: p. 25
Title (B.3.4.25): Anonymous Homilies [for unspecified occasions, published]: Napier 1883 [1967], no. 27: 'To eallum folce'
Rubric (initial): To eallum folce
Incipit: Eala leofan men understandað þæt soð is
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 25-28
Title (B.2.4.1): Wulfstan, Evil Days: God's Threat to Sinning Israel
Rubric (initial): To eallum folce
Incipit: Leofan men uton understandan ealswa us þearf is
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 28-29
Title (B.3.4.29): Anonymous Homilies [for unspecified occasions, published]: Napier 1883 [1967], nos. 35, 36: 'Be mistlican gelimpan'
Rubric (initial): Be mislicum gelimpum
Incipit: Gyf hit gewurðe þæt on þeodscipe
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 29-30
Title (B.3.4.30): Anonymous Homilies [for unspecified occasions, published]: Napier 1883 [1967], no. 38
Rubric (initial): Her it git oþer wel god eaca
Incipit: La leof a is swa betera
Text Language: English
- Item: p. 30
Title (B.3.4.31): Anonymous Homilies [for unspecified occasions, published]: Napier 1883 [1967], no. 39: 'Ðis man gerædde þa se micele here com to lande'
Rubric (initial): Ðis man gerædde þa se micele here com to lande
Incipit: Ealle we beþurfan þæt we geornlice earnian
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 31-40
Title (B.1.8.2): Ælfric, Letters: First Old English Letter for Wulfstan
Rubric (initial): To gehadedum mannum
Incipit: Us biscopum gedafenað. þæt we þa godcundan lare
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 40-42
Title (B. 'Institutes of Polity'
Rubric (initial): Be gehadedum mannum
Incipit: Gehadodum mannum gebirað ælc clænnes
Text Language: English
- Item: p. 42
Title (B. 'Institutes of Polity'
Rubric (initial): To gehadedum ˥ læwedum
Incipit: Gehadedum mannum gebirað eac
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 42-43
Title (B. 'Institutes of Polity'
Rubric (initial): Be eallum cristenum mannum
Incipit: Eallum cristenum mannum is. micel þearf. þæt hi rihtne cristendom
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 43-46
Title (B.14.32): Norðhymbra preosta lagu
Rubric (initial): Norðhymbra preosta lagu
Incipit: Gyf hwa ænigum preoste
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 46-47
Title (B.14.16): II Eadgar
Rubric (initial): Her is eadgares cynincges gerædnes
Incipit: Þys is seo gerædnes þe eadgar cyncg
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 47-48
Title (B.14.17): III Eadgar
Rubric (initial): Eadgares cynincges gerædnes
Incipit: Þis is ðonne seo worldcunde gerædnes. þe ic wille þæt man healde
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 48-52
Title (B.14.23): V Æthelred
Title (B. 'Institutes of Polity'
Incipit: In nomine domini. Ðis is seo gerædnes þe engla cyningc
Text Language: English
- Item: p. 52
Title (B.2.2.8): Wulfstan, The Christian Faith: The Christian Life
Rubric (initial): De preceptis domini
Incipit: Micel is us nyd þearf þæt we godes beboda geornlice healden. God silfa spræc. hludde stæfne
Text Language: English
- Item: p. 52
Title (B. Wulfstan, The Christian Faith: The Christian Life
Rubric (initial): De uitis principalibus
Text Language: English
- Item: p. 52
Title (B. Wulfstan, The Christian Faith: The Christian Life
Rubric (initial): De uirtutibus
Incipit: Ðonne syndon eahta. healice mægnu
Text Language: English
- Item: p. 53
Title (B.14.8): I Æthelstan
Rubric (initial): Æðelstanes cinyncges gerædnes
Incipit: Æþelstan cyningc mid geþeahte wulfhelm[.] arcebiscop
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 53-61
Title (B. Wulfstan, The Christian Faith: The Christian Life
Rubric (initial): ( p. 53) De cristianitate
Rubric (initial): (p.56) Her onginneð be cristendome
Incipit (Latin): A cristo enim cristiani
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 61-64
Title (B.2.2.9): Wulfstan, The Christian Faith: Isaiah on the Punishment for Sin
Rubric (initial): (p. 64) Uerba hiereme prophete
Incipit: Incipit de uisione isaie prophete
Explicit: hu biter þe sceal wurðan
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 65-66
Title (B.2.2.6): Wulfstan, The Christian Faith: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Incipit: þe of godes agenre gifre cymð
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 66-68
Title (B.2.1.1): Wulfstan, Eschatalogical Homilies: Antichrist
Rubric (initial): De anticristo
Incipit (Latin): Omnis qui secundum cristiane professionis
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 68-71
Title (B.2.1.5): Wulfstan, Eschatalogical Homilies: The Last Days
Incipit (Latin): Interrogatus iesus. a discipulus de consummatione seculi
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 71-72
Title (B.2.1.2): Wulfstan, Eschatalogical Homilies: Matthew on the Last Days
Incipit (Latin): Egressus iesus de templo
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 72-74
Title (B.2.1.3): Wulfstan, Eschatalogical Homilies: Luke on the Last Days
Incipit (Latin): Erunt signa in sole. et luna et stillis. et reliqua. Þis godspel segð ˥ swutelað. þæt fela foretacna
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 74-78
Title (B.2.1.4): Wulfstan, Eschatalogical Homilies: The Deeds of Antichrist
Incipit: Leofan men us is swiðe micel þearf þæt we ware beon þæs egeslican timan. þe toweard is
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 78-80
Title (B.3.4.32): Anonymous Homilies [for unspecified occasions, published]: Napier 1883 [1967], no. 40: 'In die iudicii'
Incipit: Leofan men aelmihti god us singallice manað
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 80-81
Title (B.2.3.4): Wulfstan, Archiepiscopal Functions: Ezekiel on Negligent Priests
Rubric (initial): Uerba ezechiel prophete de pigris aut timidis uel neglegen\ti/bus pastoribus
Incipit: Ezechiel se witega lærð godes bydelas
Text Language: English
- Item: p. 81
Title (B.3.4.33): Anonymous Homilies [for unspecified occasions, published]: Napier 1883 [1967], no. 41: 'Verba Ezechiel prophete de pigris aut timidis vel neglegentibus pastoribus'
Incipit: Ne dear ic nu for godes ege ... hetelices leanes
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 82-86
Title (B.2.4.2_b): Wulfstan, Evil Days: Sermo ad Anglos
Rubric (initial): Sermo lupi. ad anglos. quando dani maxime. persecuti sunt eos. quos [altered to quod] fuit. anno. millesimo. VIIII. ab incarnatione. domini nostri iesu cristi
Incipit: Leofan men gecnawað þæt soð is
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 86-87
Title (B.2.4.3): Wulfstan, Evil Days: Evil Rulers
Rubric (initial): Sermo lupi
Incipit: Eala leofan men. uton understandan ealswa us þearf is
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 87-93
Title (B. 'Institutes of Polity'
Rubric (initial): Be cinincge
Incipit: Cristenum cyninge gebyrað
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 93-96
Title (B.14.26): VIII Æthelred
Incipit: Anno .M.XIIII. ab incarnatione. domini nostri iesu cristi. Þis is an ðara gerædnessa. þe engla cyningc
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 96-97
Title (B.14.13): I Eadmund
Rubric (initial): Her gebirat to æðestanes gerædnes. hu he be teoðunge gerædde. Her onginneð. eadmundes gerædnes.
Incipit: Eadmund cyngc gesemnode
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 97-101
Title (B.13.1.1): 'Canons of Edgar'
Rubric (initial): Her gebirað nu to eadgares gerædnes. be gehadodum mannum [altered to gehaddora manna] liffadunge
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 101-102
Title (B.14.46): Geðyncðo
Rubric (initial): Be wergildum. ˥ be geðinðum
Incipit: Hwlium wæs þæt leod. ˥ lagu.
Text Language: English
- Item: p. 102
Title (B.14.47): Norðleoda laga
Rubric (initial): Norðleoda laga
Incipit: Norðleoda cynges gild
Text Language: English
- Item: p. 102
Title (B.14.48): Mircna laga
Rubric (initial): Be mircna laga
Incipit: Ceorles wergild
Text Language: English
- Item: p. 102
Title (B.14.49): Að
Rubric (initial): Be mirciscan aðe
Incipit: Twelfhendes mannes að
Text Language: English
- Item: p. 103
Title (B.14.50): Hadbot
Rubric (initial): Be gehadodra manna aðe ˥ be hadbote.
Incipit: Mæssepreostes að ˥ worldþegnas
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 103-108
Title (B.2.2.5): Wulfstan, The Christian Faith: Baptism
Rubric (initial): Incipit de baptisma
Incipit: Primo necesse est. ut paganus
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 108-112
Title (B.13.3): De ecclesiasticis gradibus
Rubric (initial): De ecclesiasticis gradibus
Incipit: Cirichadas sindon to healdenne mid swiðe micclum wisdome
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 112-113
Title (B.12.7): Benedictine Office
Rubric (initial): De ecclesiasticis officiis
Incipit: Godcund þeowdom is geset
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 114-126
Title (B.11.4.2.EM): Handbook for the Use of a Confessor
Incipit (Latin): Quando alquis uoluerit confessionem facere
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 126-30
Title (B.14.24): VI Æthelred
Incipit: In nomine domini. Ðis is seo gerædnes þe witan geræddon
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 130-131
Title (B.14.30): I, II Cnut
Rubric (initial): Be sacerdan
Incipit: Micel is ˥ mære. þæt sacerd ah to donne
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 131-4
Title (B.4.1): Prose Romance: Apollonius of Tyre
Rubric (initial): Her onginneð seo gerecednes be antióche þam ungesæligan cincge ˥ be apolonige þam [...]
Incipit: An antiochia þare ceastre wæs sum cyningc antiochus gehaten
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 147-149
Title (B.18.8.1.EM): Lists of Kings, Saints, and Bishops [part 1]
Incipit: Her cyð ymbe þa halgan þe on angelcynne restað. on ures drihtenes naman hælendes cristes. [S]anctus agustinus gefullode aeþelbriht
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 149-151
Title (B.18.8.2.EM): Lists of Kings, Saints, and Bishops [part 2]
Incipit: Her onginneð secgan be þam godes sanctum, þe on englalande ærost reston. sanctus albanus martir.
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 151-160
Title (B.8.1.2): Heptateuch Heptateuch [portion of Genesis]
Incipit: Her cydde god ælmihtig his mildheortnisse þe he abrahame behet. ˥ isoepe ˥ abrahames ofsprincge. Þa þa iosep wæs .XVI. wintra
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 161-165
Title (A.17): The Judgment Day II
Rubric (initial): Incipit uersus Bede presbiteri. De die iudicii.
Incipit: Inter florigeras ...
Explicit: Her endað þeos boc þe hatte inter florigeras ðæt is on englisc betwyx blowende þe to godes rice farað. ˥ hu ða þrowiað. þe to helle farað
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 165-166
Title (A.18): An Exhortation to Christian Living
Incipit: Nu lære ic þe. swa man leofne sceal
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 166-167
Title (A.19): A Summons to Prayer
Incipit: Þænne gemiltsað þe .N. mundam qui regit
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 167-169
Title (A.20): The Lord's Prayer II
Incipit: Pater noster. Þu eart ure fæder ealles wealdend
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 169-170
Title (A.21): The Gloria I
Incipit: Sy þe wuldor ˥ lof wide geopnod
Text Language: English
- Item: pp. 170-176
Title: Forms of absolution, confession, etc. (Ker)
Incipit (Latin): Quando aliquis uoluerit confessionem facere
Text Language: Latin
- Item: pp. 179-212
Title (B.10.6.1): Theodulf of Orleans, Capitula
Incipit (Latin): (p. 179) Obsecro uos fratres dilectissimi
Explicit (Latin): (p. 212) sed claustris monasterii contineri
Ker 1957, item 50
Thorpe 1840, p. 469
- Item: pp. 212-20
Title: A homily
Incipit: (p. 212) Ic bidde eow ond eadmodlice lære men þa leofestan.þæt ge ƿepen on þisse medmiclan tide.
Explicit: (p. 220) ond mid eallan his halgan on ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld abutan ende amen.
Ker 1957, item 50
Thorpe 1840, pp. 466-469
- Item: pp. 222-30
Title (B.3.4.55): Anonymous Homilies [for unspecified occasions, published]: Thorpe 1840
Incipit: Ic bidde eow ˥ eadmodlice lære men þa leofestan. þæt ge wepen on þisse medmiclan tide
Text Language: English
- Item: p. 221-59
Title (B.10.6.1): Theodulf of Orleans, Capitula
Incipit: (p. 221) Ic eoƿ halsige broðru þa leofestan.
Explicit: (p. 258-59) Gehƿylces hades mannum ƿe beodað þætte hƿa þa heah mæssan sece buton þam gehalgedum mædenum anum þam þeaƿ oððe geƿuna nis þæt hig of hyra mynstre gan þa sceolon binnan heora mynstres locum geƿunnian ond him þær mæssan gehyran
Ker 1957, item 50
Thorpe 1840, pp. 69-488
- Item: pp. 260-61
Title: Usuard, Martyrologium, preface
Incipit (Latin): (p. 260) Domino Regum piissimo karolo osuuardus sacerdos
Explicit (Latin): (p. 261) dignetur custodire potentia. Amen
Ker 1957, item 50
- Item: p. 261
Title: Usuard, Martryologium, extract from introduction
Incipit (Latin): (p. 261) Festiuitates sanctorum apostolorum seu martyrum
Explicit (Latin): (p. 261) offertur deo qui martyres coronauit
Ker 1957, item 50
Hampe 1897, p. 669
- Item: p. 271
Title: Preface and part of the introduction to Usuard's Martyrology (Ker)
Incipit (Latin): Domino regum piisimo karolo osuuardus sacerdos
Explicit: martyres coronauit
Text Language: Latin
Date: s. xi addition.
Object Description
Form: Codex
Support: Ker 49A-B: 89 folios, preceded by two paper flyleaves contemporary with binding. Ker 50: '42 folios ... followed by three flyleaves, two of paper of the date of binding and one of parchment, s. xvi' (Ker 1957, pp. 90-91).
Extent: pp. 1-272
280 mm x 162 mm (dimensions of pp. 1-176 - size of leaves)
250 mm x 122 mm (dimensions of pp. 1-176 - size of written space)
280 mm x 162 mm (dimensions of pp. 179-272 - size of leaves)
222 mm x 100 mm (dimensions of pp. 179-272 - size of written space)
Foliation/Pagination: Paginated 1-178 in Parkerian red pencil on rectos.
Quires: Collation checked from Ker (1957), 49AB: 1-48, 58 wants 1 before p. 65, 6-98 102, 114, 126 wants 1 before p. 155 and 5, 6 after p. 160, 138 wants 8, probably blank, after p. 178 + a bifolium (pp. 171-74) after 6 (p. 176), but now misbound after 5 (p. 174). 3 and 6 in Quire 9 are half-sheets. Leaves are missing between Quires 9 and 10 (Ker 1957, p. 90). Ker 50: 1-58, 62 (Ker 1957, p. 91).
Signatures: Ker 49B: In each of Quires 2-6 the pages, except the first and last, are signed from 'a' to 'o' in green ink, s. xi? (Ker 1957, p. 90).
Layout Description:
- Columns: 1
- Written Lines: 27
- Locus: pp. 179-272 have double vertical bounding lines, and double horizontal bounding lines, the latter at first and second and penultimate and ultimate lines. There are 27 lines per page, with an average of seven words per line.
Hand Description
Number of Hands: 1 from the period 1060-1220
Hand: main text
- Scope: Major
- Script: English Vernacular Minuscule I
- Ker reference: Ker 50 SC1
- Description: pp. 179-261. Ker 1957 describes the hand as 'An upright regular hand of the "Exeter" type', and suggests that this manuscript was bound with CCCC 196 and CCCC 191 to form a large regulatory and martyrological codex (p. 91). The general aspect of the hand is upright and rounded, with generous interlinear space.
- Summary of the characteristics of the hand:
- Both elements of æ are the same size.
- d has a bowl that is usually slightly smaller than x-height; the graph has a very short ascender.
- e is often horned.
- The middle stroke of f is often shorter than the headstroke.
- g is very rounded, and the tail is closed. The downstroke of g generally begins from the middle of the head.
- High and low s are used, the latter in final position. There is a little knob where the onset stroke of the long form beings. Double long s is used.
- þ has a long, split ascender.
- ð has a large bowl and, generally, a straight ascender which turns down to the left at the top. The crossbar pierces the upstroke, and end with a small tag to the left.
- y is straight and dotted.
- A majuscule form of Æ appears as a spurred E at p. 245.
- ascenders are split at the top.
- descenders are generally quite straight, or have a very gentle curve to the left.
- accents occur very infrequently.
- abbreviations are very rare, suggesting that rapid legibility was a key to the layout of this manuscript. The ˥ sometimes has a slightly curved head, and a 90º downstroke. It is often placed in very close proximity to the succeeding graph. The abbreviation for 'þæt' consistents of a æ with a straight abbreviation stroke through the ascender.
- ligatures are very rare. But at p. 24r, line 4, 'martyrdom', a quite remarkable form of rt ligature occurs, where the r extends upwards as if it were a high s and ligatures at the top like an ogee arch, before coming down to the t. This may be an erroneous st ligature; it is a form seen also in Worcester, Canterbury and Winchester manuscripts and p. 38 of Cleopatra B. xiii.
- Punctuation: hyphens are level with the base-line and occur both at the end of one line and the beginning of the next. The punctus is placed on the base-line. The punctus interrogativus is long and almost horizontal.
- Correcting technique: corrections are by interlinear addition, indicated with a comma. Litterae Notabiliores: Litterae notabiliores are in green, red and blue. Rubrics are in red rustic capitals.
Rebound in 1948. The previous binding was eighteenth-century (Ker 1957, p. 90).
Additional Information
Manuscript described by Elaine Treharne with the assistance of Bill Green, Hollie Morgan, Owen Roberson and Johanna Green (2010; 2013).
Digital surrogate: (accessed 18 July 2018)
Anlezark, D., 'Reading "The Story of Joseph" in MS Cambridge Corpus Christi College 201', in The Power of Words. Anglo-Saxon Studies Presented to Donald D. Sgragg on his Seventieth Birthday, ed. by H. Magennos and J. Wilcox (Morgantown, 2006)
Archibald, E., Apolonius of Tyre Medieval and Renaissance Themes and Variations (Cambridge: Brewer, 1991)
Berkhout, Carl T., 'The Parkerian Legacy of a Scheide Manuscript', Princeton University Library Chronicle, 55 (1994), 277-86
Bethurum, Dorothy, ed., The Homilies of Wulfstan (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957)
Bishop, T. A. M., 'Notes on Cambridge Manuscripts; Part III: MSS. Connected with Exeter', Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 2.2 (1955), 192-99
Caie, Graham D., 'Text and context in Editing Old English: the Case of the Poetry in Cambridge, Corpus Christis College 201', in The Editing of Old English, ed. by D. G. Scragg and Paul C. Szarmach (Manchester: Cambridge, 1999), pp. 155-62.
Clemoes, P., and C. R. Dodwell, The Old English Illustrated Hexatateuch, British Museum Cotton Claudius B.IV (Copenhagen, 1974)
Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and Stanford University, Parker Library on the Web (; accessed in 2010)
Cross, J. E., 'The Latininty of the Ninth-Century Old English Martyrologist', in Studies in Earlier Old English Prose: Sixteen Original Contributions, ed. by Paul C. Szarmach (Albany, NY, 1986), pp. 275-300
de Bonis, M. C., 'La versione in prosa della "Genisi" in inglesi antico del ms Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 201' (unpublished doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Firenze, 1999)
Dien, S., 'Sermo Lupi ad Anglos: the Order and Date of the Three Versions', Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 76 (1975), 561-70
Drage, E., 'Bishop Leofric and the Exeter Cathedral Chapter, 1050-1072: A Reassessment of the Manuscript Evidence' (unpublished D. Phil. thesis, University of Oxford, 1978)
Fehr, Bernard, ed., Die Hirtenbriefe Ælfrics, Bibliothek der angelsächsicschen Prosa, 9 (Hamburg: Henri Grand, 1914; repr. with a supplement to the introduction by Peter Clemoes, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1966)
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Elaine Treharne