Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 303

Present Location


Medieval Provenance

General Information




The manuscript contains 73 texts: homilies for Sundays and feast days in the Temporale and the second half of the Sanctorale, together with miscellaneous items at the end. The contents can be divided into five groups (Godden 1979, p. xxxiv) arranged, for the most part, according to the church year: the homilies from the Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Second Sunday after Epiphany (this first homily only survives as four lines) to the Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost. As the manuscript is incomplete at the beginning and end (having lost 44 folios), it probably originally also contained texts for the first half of the Sanctorale. 63 of the pieces are by Ælfric, the remainder being anonymous (with the first erased and pasted over in the sixteenth century). Manuscript dated by Ker 1957 to s. xii1, though probably closer to s. xiimed.

Digital Surrogate

Manuscript Items
  1. Itemp. 1/1-1/4 (underneath a sixteenth-century strip of parchment)
    • Title (B.1.2.5): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Second Sunday after Epiphanylast four lines.

      Text Language: English


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 54. See p. 47 and plates 29 and 30

  2. Itemp. 1/1-6/1
    • Title (B.1.1.9): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: The Third Sunday after Epiphany

      Rubric (initial): Dominica. III. Secundum Matheum

      Incipit (Latin): Cum descendisset iesus ...

      IncipitMatheus se eadiga godspellere.

      Explicit: Se þe leofað ˥ rixað. nu ˥ sym|le. a on ƿorulde amen.

      Note: Hand of s. xvi has added 'Post Epiphania' to beginning of title, and 'Cap. 8' at the end.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 120

      Clemoes 1997, 241

  3. Itempp. 6/1-10/33
    • Title (B.1.2.6): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Septuagesima

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium in dominica in Septuagesima

      Incipit (Latin): Simile est regnum> celorum homini patrifamilias ...

      IncipitSe hælend cwæð þæt heofona rica

      Explicit: Se ðe leofað ˥ rixað a buton ende. amen.

      Text Language: Predominantly English, with Latin rubrics and incipit


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 72-84

      Godden 1979, pp. 41-49, 233

  4. Itempp. 10/33-12/5
    • Title (B. Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Septuagesima [second part]continued

      Rubric (initial): Sermo in Septuagesima

      Incipit: We willad eoƿ secgan be þyssere andweardan tide

      Explicit: on ðam ƿe him singað ecelice alleluian buton gesƿince amen.

      Text Language: English


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 84

      Godden 1979, pp. 29, 234-51

  5. Itempp. 12/5-16/14
    • Title (B.1.2.7): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Sexagesima

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium | Secundum Lucam

      Incipit (Latin): Cum turba plurima ...

      Incipit: 'On sumere tide þa þa mycel mæniu'

      Explicit: Ic bidda eoƿ ge|broðra tihta eoƿre mod to gecneordnysse godra ƿeorca þæt ge mid gedylde godne ƿæstma to godes handa bringan þæt ge mid him ˥ mid his halgan þæt ece | lif habban moton on ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld

      Text Language: English

      Note: In right margin between lines 12 and 13, in s. xvi hand, is '8 Sexagesima'.


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 88

      Godden 1979, p. 52

  6. Itempp. 16/14-21/16
    • Title (B.1.1.11): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Quinquagesima

      Rubric (initial): Dominica iii  in quinquagesima

      Incipit (Latin): Assumpsit Iesus duodecim discipulos ...

      IncipitHer is geræd

      Explicit: þæt eal folc cƿeðe be us sƿa sƿa | be þan blindan gecƿeðan ƿæs þa þa his eagan ƿæron on lihte, þæt is eal folc þe | þæt geseah herode god se þe leofoð ˥ rixað abuton ende. amen;

      Text Language: English

      Note: In right margin at p. 16.14 is 'Math. 4' in s. xvi hand.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 152

      Clemoes 1997, 258

  7. Itempp. 21/6-27/7
    • Title (B.1.1.12): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: First Sunday in Lent

      Rubric (initial): Dominica .I. in | Quadragesima Secundum matheum

      Incipit (Latin): Ductus est Iesus ...

      IncipitIc wolde eow trahtnian

      Explicit: se ðe for gylt mid | hundfealdum sƿa hƿæt sƿa ƿe doð eamum mannum for his lufun. Se ðe leofað | ˥ rixað abuton ende onecnysse. Amen

      Text Language: English

      Note: At p. 22/5, S in 'Se' is red. In right margin, s. xvi hand has added '4' to the rubric. At p. 23/17, 'sunne' glosses 'leahter'; p. 23/24, 'blisse' glosses 'wuldor'. At p. 26/1, 'he gesutelede' is added above the line by Scribe C.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 166

      Clemoes 1997, p. 266

  8. Itempp. 27/7-30/3
    • Title (B.1.2.9): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Second Sunday in Lent

      Rubric (initial): Dominica .II. quadragesime Secundum matheum

      Incipit (Latin): Egressus Iesus ...

      IncipitDrihten hælend þræde

      Explicit(pp. 29-30) Christenra || manna geleafan hæfde se ælmihtiga god mid manegum tacnum geƿurðod. þurh his hal|gan. ære on heore life. ˥ siððan æt heora halgumbyregenum. þam sy ƿuldor ˥ ƿurðment a on ecnysse. amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: A hand of s. xvi has added 'xv' under 'matheum' in the rubric. The heading 'Omelia' (p. 27.23) precedes the words 'Ðis chananeisce wif' (p. 27/24; Th. 110.10).


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 110

      Godden 1979, p. 67

  9. Itempp. 30/3-34
    • Title (B.1.4.4): Ælfric, Homilies of Ælfric: Dominica III in Quadragesima

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium Secundum in dominica

      Incipit (Latin): Erat Iesus eiciens demonia ...

      IncipitOn þæra mære tide

      Explicit: Uton herran | urne drihtne ˥ þæt halige godes ƿord eac swilce lufian ˥ mid ge leafan ge | healdon. þæs geunne se ealmihtiga ƿealdend se þe arixað on ecnesse amen.

      Text Language: English and Latin

      Note: Hand of s. xvi has added '3 quadragesima Luc iii(?)' after rubric. W in 'We', p. 31/1, (ed. 20.23) is red. At p. 30/27, 'walcynde' glosses 'woriende' (cf. Pope 1967-68, i. 263 'walconde'); p. 31/6, 'sunne went to' in right margin added by Scribe C; p. 3/21. 'þencen' glosses 'wealcen'; p. 34/14, 'cunne' glosses 'mægþe'; p. 34/27, 'iwissice' glosses 'untwilice'.

  10. Itempp. 35/1-38/22
    • Title (B.1.1.13): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Mid-Lent Sunday

      Rubric (initial): Dominica .IIII. in quadragesimaEwangelium

      Incipit (Latin): Abiit Iesus ...

      IncipitSe hælend ferde ofer þære galileisca sæ

      Explicit: ƿe cƿeðað mid fullum ge leafum þæt crist is soð ƿitega. ˥ ealre ƿitegena ƿitega. ˥ þæt he | leofað ˥ rixað on annyssa þæs halgan gastes a buton ænde. onecnysse. amen

      Text Language: English

      Note: Hand of s. xvi has added 'Ioh. 4' in right margin, p. 35/1.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 180

      Clemoes 1997, 257

  11. Item38/23-43/05
    • Title (B.1.4.6): Ælfric, Homilies of Ælfric: Feria VI in Quarta Ebdomada Quadragesimae

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium de lazaro in quadragesima Secundum Iohannem

      Incipit (Latin): Erat quidam languens lazarus ...

      IncipitOn þan halgan godspelle þe ge herdon nu ræden

      Explicit: ƿe ne durren længan na læng þisne tiaht ne eoƿ gesƿeanean na sƿider | mid þam þe læs þe eoƿer sunum ceorige on mode. ac uton biddan ealle urne driht crist | þæt he ure saƿle fram synne arære. ˥ us þæt ece lif on ende for gife. þam fy ƿuldor ˥ lof | a to ƿurulde amen.


      Pope 1967-68, I. 311

  12. Itempp. 43/5-49/2
    • Title (B.1.2.15): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Fifth Sunday in Lent

      Rubric (initial): Dominica in passione domini Secundum Iohannem

      Incipit (Latin): I n illo. Dicebat Iesus turbis iudeorum...

      IncipitÐeos tid fram þisum andweardum dæge

      Explicit(pp. 48-49) þa þa crist | hangode on rode for ure alysednysse. þæra halgan rode tacn is ure bletsung. | ˥ to þære rode ƿe us gebiddæð na sƿa þeah to þam treoƿe ac to þam almihtigan || drihtne. þe on þære halgan rode for us hangode. Si him lof ˥ ƿuldor hisn ormætan | eadmodnysse. on ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld amen.

      Text Language: English


      Godden 1979, p. 127

  13. Itempp. 49/2-56/17
    • Title (B.1.2.16): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Palm Sunday

      Rubric (initial): De passione domini nostri Iesu |cristi Secundum Iohannem

      IncipitDrihtnes þrowunge we willað

      Explicit: Ða he þafode pilatus þæt hi hine besetton mid ymtrymminge ˥ þa þruh geinseg|loden. ac crist aras sƿa þeah of þam deaðe gesund on þam þriddan dæge æfter | his þroƿunge over sƿiðum deaðe. Si him a ƿuldor mid his heofonlicen fæder. ˥ þam halgan gaste on anre godcundnesse on ecere ƿorulde amen.

      Note: Scribe 2 takes over at p. 51.


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 240

      Godden 1979, p. 137

  14. Itempp. 56/18-61/23
    • Title (B.1.1.15): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Palm Sunday

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium in Ramis palmarum. Secundum Matheum

      Incipit (Latin): Cum appropinquasset ...

      IncipitSe hælend ferde to þære byrig

      Explicit: Se lichama þe is þære saƿla reaf anbidað þæs micclan domes. ˥ þeah hi beo | to duste for moldned; god hine arærð. ˥ gebringð togædere saƿle ˥ lichaman | to þan ecan life. ˥ bið þonne gefylled cristes behad. þe þus cƿæð. Domini scineð þa | rihtƿsan sƿa sƿa sunne on heora fæder rice. Se þe leofað ˥ rixað a buton | ænde. amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: At p. 59/24, 'geferrede' glosses 'farelde'; p. 59/26, 'geoden' glosses 'stopon'.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 206.8

      Clemoes 1997, 290

  15. Itempp. 61/23-68/13
    • Title (B.3.2.24): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: In Parasceve

      Rubric (initial): Feria .VI. Passio domini nostriIesu cristi Secundum Iohannem

      Incipit (Latin): I n illo. Egressus est Iesus...

      IncipitMen þa leofestan her segþ se halga sanctus iohannes

      Explicit: His selfes naman to ƿuldrigenne ˥ to gerigen'|ne. on ecum ge feah. ˥ on ecere eadignesse þurh ealre ƿorulde ƿoruld god | us to þan gefultinnige æfre on ecnesse. amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: Hand of s. xvi has added 'cap. 18' after rubric.


      Scragg 1992, 13/75 ff.

  16. Itempp. 68/13-72/33
    • Title (B.1.1.17): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Easter

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium in Resur | rectione domini. Secundum. Marcum

      Incipit (Latin): Maria magdalene et maria iacobi ...

      IncipitE Oft  ge geherdon

      Explicit: ˥ aras of deaðe on þisum | dæge ˥ stah to heofonum on þan feortigan dæge his æristes æt foran ma'|negra manna gesihðe ˥ rixað mid þam ælmihtigumfæder ˥ mid þam hal'|gan gaste nu. and a on ecnysse amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: The 'Oft' in the incipit is altered from 'Eft': the guide letter for the miniator is 'e'. At p. 70/4, 'wurðmente' glosses 'gecnyrdnesse'; p. 70/30, 'gesege' glosses 'gehiwod'; p. 72/1, 'blisse' added in left margin by Scribe C.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 220

      Clemoes 1997, 299

  17. Itempp. 72/33-75
    • Title (B.8.5.3): Apocrypha: Gospel of Nicodemus Homilies

      Title (B.3.2.29): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: Easter Day

      Rubric (initial): Sermo in Resurrectione domini

      IncipitMen þa leofestan. her segþ on þissere boc embe þa mycclan | wundre.

      Explicit: ˥ he færð | þonum to heofonum ˥ þa ealle mid him þe ny her on middan earde þæs rices | georneð. ˥ æfter eaniað ˥ ures drihtnes bebodu healdeð. Se drihten leofað ˥ | rixað on ealre ƿorulde ƿoruld a buton ende soðlice on ecnesse ƿe cƿeðað amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: At p. 73/33, 'folc' glosses 'werod'; p. 75/27, 'goda'glosses 'gedefu'.


      Hulme 1903-04, 610

  18. Itempp. 76/1-82/7
    • Title (B.3.3.6): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Sanctorale: Invention of the Cross

      Rubric (initial): In Inuentione Sancte Crucis

      IncipitMen þa leofestan geheorað nu hwæt ic eow wille secgan

      Explicit: Sy him selfum | þanc þæs þe he for us geþroƿode. ˥ sy him symle lof ˥ ƿuldor ealre his godnes'|se þe he mancynne gecyð hæfð. a on ealre ƿorulde ƿoruld a buton ænde | on ecnesse amen.

      Text Language: English


      Morris 1871, 3

      Bodden 1987

  19. Itempp. 82/7-87/13
    • Title (B.1.1.27): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: John the Baptist

      Rubric (initial): In Natiuitate Sancti Iohannis baptiste

      IncipitSe godspellere lucas awrat on cristes bec.

      Explicit: Utan biddan mid inƿeardre heortan nu | ealle þone ƿealdende hælend þæt he þurh his mæran forryneles ˥ fulluhteres þin'|gunge us gemiltsigra onþisum life ˥ us to þan ecan life gelæde þan sy ƿuldor ˥ lof | mid fæder ˥ halgan gaste a on ecnesse. amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: Hand of s. xvi has added 'Luc I' in right margin, l. 7.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 350

      Clemoes 1997, 379

  20. Itempp. 87/13-89/28
    • Title (B.1.1.28): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Peter and Paul

      Rubric (initial): In Natale SanctorumApostolorum Petri | et Pauli. Lectio Sancti Ewangelii Secundum Matheum. | Omelia uenerabilis bede presbiteri de eadem lectione

      Incipit (Latin): [I] n illo. Venit Iesus in partes | cesaree philippi ...

      IncipitMatheus se godspellere awrat on þære godspellican | gesetnessa...

      Explicit: Gif heort æfter þære godspellen gesetnessa earfullice | healdað. Ac for þi is seo cæg petre synderlice be tæht. þæt eall þeodscipe glæp'|lice to cnaƿe. þæt sƿa hƿa sƿa oðscyt fram annesse þæs ge leafan. þe petrus þa andette | criste. þæt him ne bið getiðod naþor ne synne forgyfennessa. ne infær þæs heofon'|lices rices.

      Text Language: English and Latin

      Note: Hand of s. xvi has added 'cap. 10' after 'Matheum'.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 364

      Clemoes 1997, 388-91

  21. Itempp. 89/28-94/25
    • Title (B. Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Passion of Peter and Paul

      Rubric (initial): De passione Apostolorum petri ˥ pauli

      IncipitWe willeð æfter þisum godspelle

      Explicit(p. 94/18-25) þurh þæs hælendes gyfe. Uton biddan ealle eadmodlice þas haligan | apostolas. þæt hi for heora mæron geearnungon us geþingian to þan mildheortan | hælðe þæt he us gemiltsie. ˥ sylle forgifennesse ealre ure synna. þe we siððe | oððe ær geworhtan. oððe geþohtan ongean his leofan willan. ˥ þæt he geunnon | us gesundfulnesse on þisre worulde. ˥ forgife us soþe sibbe on þise læne life. | ˥ on þamtoweardan ece reste. on heofonan rice. mid his eadigan apostolan þe we | nu todæg wurþiað. ˥ mid eallon his halgan. se þe leofað ˥ rixað a buton | ænde on ecnesse. Amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: Text in Thorpe (1844-46) finishes with 'þurh þæs hælendes gyfe' (Thorpe (1844-46), 384.19). [et]


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 370

      Clemoes 1997, 391.97-399

  22. Itempp. 94/25-99/25
    • Title (B.1.1.29): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Paul

      Rubric (initial): De Sancto Iacobo Apostolo  De Sancto Paulo Apostolo

      IncipitGodes gelaþung

      Explicit: Ðu ælmihtiga drihten ge mite'|sa us synfullum. ˥ urne forsið sƿa ge fada þæt ƿe ge bettum synnumæfter þisum fræcen'|fullum life þinum halgumgeferlæhte beon moton. Sy þe lof ˥ ƿuldor on ealra ƿorul'|da ƿoruld. amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: The cancelled words in the rubric are a preceding title. The Latin text at Thorpe (1844-46) 392/27 here follows the word 'geherdon' (Thorpe 1844-46 392/30, Clemoes 1997, 407/214), and the word 'Dixit' begins a new paragraph at p. 97/18 in the manuscript. Ends at . p. 99/20 with 'edlean. mid cristes apostolum' (Thorpe 1844-46, 398/25, Clemoes 1997, 407/214).'Men. | beon we carfulle þæt ure time mid idelnesse us ne losie. ˥ we þonne to weldædum gecer | ran willan. þonne us se deað to forðsiðe geþreatað. Ðu ælmihtiga drihten gemilt | sa us synfullum. ˥ urne forsið swa gefada þæt we gebettumsynnum æfter þisum fræcen | fullum life þinum halgumgeferlæhte beon moton. Sy þe lof ˥ wuldor on ealra worul | da woruld. Amen'.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 384

      Clemoes 1997, 401.2-07.214

  23. Itempp. 99/25-107/20
    • Title (B.3.3.14): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Sanctorale: Saint Margaret

      Rubric (initial): Passio beate Margarete uirginiset martyris.

      Incipitæ  E  fter drihtnes þrowunge.

      Explicit: ˥ heo on heofone rice gebrohton. ˥ nu hi si mid gode ˥ mid eallum | his halgum. ˥ þær hi ƿunað nu. ˥ æfre ƿunian sceal in ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld | a buton ænde. Amen.

      Text Language: English

      Other versions of the text:

      Red 'E', although guide letter supplied at line 21, margin, is 'æ'.


      Clayton and Magennis 1994

  24. Itempp. 107/20-14/1
    • Title (B.1.1.31): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Laurence

      Rubric (initial): Passio Sancti Laurentii martyris

      IncipitOn decies dæge

      Explicit: ðæs freolstid gesƿutelað þæs andƿearde dæg ealre | geleaffulre gelaþunge þæt he us geþingie to þamheofonlice cyninge for þæs | naman he þroƿode mid kene mode manigfealde tihtrega, mid þan he or'|forhlice on ecnesse ƿuldrað abutan ænde Amen.

      Text Language: English


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 416

      Clemoes 1997, 418

  25. Itempp. 114/11-19/11
    • Title (B.1.1.34): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Decollation of St John the Baptist

      Rubric (initial): In Decollatione Sancti Iohannis | Baptiste. Secundum Marcum

      Incipit (Latin): Misit herodes ...

      IncipitMarcus se godspellere awrat on cristes boc

      Explicit: Ðes Dæg. ˥ þis lif is | behaten rihtƿisum cristenum. to þam us gelæde se mildheorta drihten. se þe leofað ˥ | rixað mid fæder ˥ mid halgum gaste a buton ende. amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: Incipit: Large, square red 'M' of 'Marcus' encloses smaller red 'M' of 'Misit'. Hand of s. xvi has added 'cap [..] ' in right margin, line 12.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 476

      Clemoes 1997, 451

  26. Itempp. 119/11-32/14
    • Title (B.3.3.9): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Sanctorale: Saint Giles

      Rubric (initial): Hec est hystoria Sancti | Egidii abbatis

      IncipitSe eadiga egidius wæs geboren of swiðe | wurðfullum mannum

      Explicit: ˥ his ængla ƿyrd to bege'|anne. ˥ hi hio geferoden mid sangum up to heofonum. ˥ hio geoffrodon ure drihtene | se þe leofað ˥ rixað mid his sune ˥ mid þam halgan gaste an god on ealra ƿorulda | ƿoruld a butan ænde amen.

      Text Language: English


      Treharne 1997, 131-47

  27. Itempp. 132/14-40a/18
    • Title (B.1.5.8): Ælfric, Remaining Homilies by Ælfric: Homily for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

      Rubric (initial): Sermo de natiuitate Sancte Marie matris | domini. vi. idus Septembris

      IncipitMen þa leofestan we synd gemynegode

      Explicit: ˥ be us gelæde to þam| ecan lufe. þam se ƿuldor ˥ ƿurðment a to ƿeorulde amen.

      Text Language: English


      Red S in 'Se' (p. 133/8).

      Note that the page numbers for this homily are actually 132-143: p. 141 has been paginated as such twice. All succeeding page numbers are therefore two pages out.


      Assmann 1889, 24

  28. Itempp. 141/19-44/24
    • Title (B.1.1.14): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Annunciation

      Rubric (initial): In Annuntiatione Sancte Marie

      Incipit (Latin): Missus est gabri'h'el ...

      IncipitMen þa leofestan ure se ælmihtiga sceppend

      Explicit: se þe geƿalt | ealra þinga mid fæder. ˥ mid þan halgan gaste. a'buton ecnesse. amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: Hand of s. xvi has added 'Luk I' in right margin at p. 141/19.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 192

      Clemoes 1997, 281

  29. Itempp. 144/25-50/34
    • Title (B.1.1.36): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Dedicatio ecclesiae sancti Michaelis

      Rubric (initial): In Festiuitate Sancti MichaelisArchangeli

      Incipit: 'Manegum 'i's cuð'

      Explicit: þæt is | gedon be doges fandunge. þæt se mære heofonlice engel beo syngallice cristenre | manna gefylta on eorþan. ˥ þingere on heofonum to þamealmihtigan gode. | Se þe leofað ˥ rixað abuton ecnesse amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: The title Euangelium and Latin text in Clemoes(1997), 469/133-35 are omitted here.


      As Thorpe 1844-46, I. 502

      Clemoes 1997, 465

  30. Itempp. 150/34-54/7
    • Title (B.1.1.38): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: All Saints

      Rubric (initial): In festiuitate omnium sanctorum

      Incipit(p. 151/1) Halige lareowas ræddon

      Explicit: sƿa hƿæt sƿa ƿe on oðrum freoldagum eal'|les geares ymbrines for mænniscre tyddernesse hƿonlicor gefyldon ˥ carful'|lica hogian þæt ƿe to þære ecan freolstide becuman.

      Text Language: English

      Note: Red G in 'Godes', p. 151/11 (Thorpe 1844-46, 538/23) begins a paragraph headed 'Sermo', p. 151/10.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 538-48

      Clemoes 1997, 486

  31. Itempp. 154/7-7/13
    • Title (B. Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: All Saints [second part]

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium. In festiuitate | omnium Sanctorum

      Incipit (Latin): Videns Iesus turbas ...

      Incipit: Ðæt halige godspell þe nu litle ær

      Explicit: Seo ƿuldor ˥ lof hælendum criste. Se ðe is | angin ˥ ænde sceppend ˥ alesend ealre halgene. mid fæder ˥ mid halgum gaste | a on ecenesse. amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: Red 'S' in 'Se', p. 154/23 (Thorpe 1844-46, 548/17). Hand of s. xvi has added 'Math [...] ' in right margin at p. 154/7.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 548

  32. Itempp. 157/13-63/20
    • Title (B.1.1.39): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Clement

      Rubric (initial): In Natale Sancti Clementis pape 7 martyris

      IncipitMen þa leofestan eower geleafa beoð þe trumra

      Explicit: Se soða drihten us ahredde fram eallumfrecednessum. ˥ to þam ecan | life gelæde. se þe leofað ˥ rixað a butan ende amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: Red 'O' in 'Oft', p. 160/25.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 556

      Clemoes 1997, 497

  33. Itempp. 163/30-71/16
    • Title (B.1.1.40): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Andrew

      Rubric (initial): In Natale Sancti Andree Apostoli

      Incipit (Latin): Ambulans Iesus...

      IncipitCrist on sumere | tide

      Explicit: Sy þam metodan drihtne ƿurðment ˥ lof á on ecnesse amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: At p. 167/13, the rubric Passio Sancti Andree apostoli is preceded by the words after 'gefylle' (Thorpe 1844-46, 586/27), 'We hæbbeð nu | gesæd þis godspell sceortlice. Nu wille we eow secgan hu se apostol andreas þe we nu | todæg wurþiað his agen lif sealde for cristes geleafan for þære lare þe he | bodode', p. 167/10-13. Red 'S' in 'Se', p. 167/13 (Thorpe 1844-46, 586/29). Hand of s. xvi has added 'Math 4' in right margin following main rubric.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 576

      Clemoes 1997, 507

  34. Itempp. 171/16-85/16
    • Title (B.3.3.29): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Sanctorale: Saint Nicholas

      Rubric (initial): Hic incipit prologus de Sancto Nicholao episcopo 7 | confessore

      IncipitÞitoðlice ælc þære wyrhta ...

      IncipitSe eadige nicholaus of æþelan cynne wærð up asprungan

      Explicit: Ða cnihtes dyden þa eal sƿa se godes mann heo be bead foran þa | ongean to þære burh constantinapolim blitsigende on drihtene. ˥ on þone halgan| nicolae

      Text Language: English


      Treharne 1997, 83-100

  35. Itempp. 185/16-88/2
    • Title (B.1.2.44): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Apostle

      Rubric (initial): Sermo de Apostolis

      IncipitÐes apostolica freolsdæg

      Explicit(pp. 187-88) ƿitod|lice gis ƿe þæs biddað þe us to ecere hælþe fremað. us getyþað þæs se goda ˥ se heofenlica || fæder þurh his sunu þe mid gim lieofað ˥ rixiað á on ecnessa þæs halgan gastes on alra | ƿorula ƿoruld amen.

      Text Language: English


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 520

      Godden 1979, p. 299

  36. Itempp. 188/28-90/28
    • Title (B.1.2.45): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Apostles

      Rubric (initial): De ewangelistis

      IncipitSe hælende geceas him to eacan

      Explicit: ge læde us to þan ecan life þider þe he us gelaþode þurh hi ˥ þurh | heora æftergangen. Sy him selfe lof ˥ ƿuldor alra his ƿeldæda amen.

      Text Language: English


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 528

      Godden 1979, p. 304

  37. Itempp. 190/28-94/23
    • Title (B.1.2.46): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Martyrs

      Rubric (initial): De martyribus

      Incipit (Latin): Cum audieritis ...

      IncipitSe hælende forsæde

      Explicit: Se almihtiga god be | sƿincð tironian þreað þa þa he lufað. þæt he þurh þa hƿilƿændlican gesƿæncennesse ƿuldor| fulle becinnon to þan ecan life þe he ær middaneardes frymþe his geleaffullum | gegearcode. Si him ƿuldor ˥ ƿurðment on alra ƿurolda ƿorulda. amen

      Text Language: English

      Note: Rubric partially obscured in margin.


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 536

      Godden 1979, p. 310

  38. Itempp. 194/24-199/16
    • Title (B.1.2.47): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Confessor

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium de confessoribus

      Incipit (Latin): Homo quidam peregre ...

      IncipitVre drihten sede þis bispel

      Explicit: Sy lof þan hlaforde þe leofað on ecenesse æfre buton an|ginne on ændeleasan mægenþrymme. amen.

      Text Language: English


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 548

      Godden 1979, p. 318

  39. Itempp. 199/16-202/17
    • Title (B.3.2.48): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: Virgins

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium De uirginibus

      Incipit (Latin): Simile. est regnum celorum decemuirginibus

      IncipitMatheus se godspellere awrat þis halige bispel

      Explicit: ˥ þa þa openiað heora heorta eage|ne to geseonne godes rice. onþan he leofað ˥ rixiað ááon ecednesse amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: A hand of s. xvi has added 'Math 25' at p. 199.17.


      Guerrieri 1988

  40. Itemp. 202/18-35
    • Title (B.3.5.9): Anonymous Homilies [for unspecified occasions, listed under the opening words]: De inclusis. Sum deofel gast sæde sumen ancre ... ne mid idelnesse

      Rubric (initial): In left margin.De inclusis

      IncipitSum deofel gast sæde sumen ancre ... ne mid idelnesse

      Explicit: Beþænce se man hine. þe hi selfes reclið forþon se man þe | hefene rice secen ƿile. he hit sceal secan mid sƿince. ˥ naht mid eðnesse. ne unidelnesse.

      Text Language: English

      Note: Text is a quire filler.


      Scragg 1992, 174-78 (H), 240 (H)

  41. Itempp. 203/1-11/20
    • Title (B.1.4.11): Ælfric, Homilies of Ælfric: Sermo ad Populum, in Octavis Pentecosten Dicendus

      Rubric (initial): Sermo quando uolueris de temporibus

      IncipitÞe willað eow seggan sume swutelunge

      Explicit: Se þe leofað ˥ rixat mid his leofan suna ˥ þamhalgum gaste | on ealre ƿorulde ƿorulda buton ælcumende amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: At p. 205/9, 'mildheornesse' [sic] glosses 'arfestnysse', 'manne' glosses 'heap' p. 208/28, 'hersumnese' glosses 'beggungu' p. 209/9 and 13, 'rihtwisen' glosses 'arfæsten'.


      Pope 1967-68, I. 415

  42. Itempp. 211/20-15/10
    • Title (B.1.1.20): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: In Letania Maiore

      Rubric (initial): Feria .II. In letania maiore.

      Incipit (Latin): Quis uestrum habebit amicum...

      Incipit: [ S] e hælend cwæð to his leorningcnihtum. Hwylc eower is

      Explicit: þæt gedoð me sylfum. Se ðe levað and rixað mid fæder ˥ mid halgum gaste á. buton | ende. amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: Initial 'S' of 'Se' is omitted. At p. 214/16, 'formete' glosses 'formittrum'.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 246.30

      Clemoes 1997, 318.44 ff

  43. Itempp. 215/10-19/13
    • Title (B.3.2.24): Monday in Rogationtide

      Rubric (initial): Sermo in letania maiore

      IncipitMen þa leofestan us geðauenað ærest

      Explicit: ˥ þær is ece gesælignisse mid fæder. ˥ mid þam suna. ˥ mid þam haligan | gaste á buton ende. amen.

      Text Language: English


      Scragg 1992, 315

  44. Itempp. 219/13-23/32
    • Title (B.3.2.38): Tuesday in Rogationtide

      Rubric (initial): Alius sermo Feria III in Rogationibus

      IncipitMine gebroðra þa leofestan. þis syndon halige dagas

      Explicit: mid þam ece fæder. ˥ mid þam | efenecan sunu. ˥ mid his þam efenecan haligan gaste on ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld | á buton ende amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: At MS. p. 220/2, 'þolian' glosses 'aræfnian'; p. 220/9, 'bugon' glosses 'geðeodd'; p. 220/10, 'gefyrred' glosses 'geelfremed'; p. 220/15, 'bygd' glosses 'geðeodað'; p. 220/19, 'cnoceþ' glosses 'cnyst'; p. 220/26, 'wræðað' glosses 'geabyligað'; p. 220/26, 'ealle þe hi lufiad on heoras lifes ende' glosses 'ælcne þæræ þe hi oð heora yte'; p. 221/1, 'luran' glosses 'forspildan'; p. 221/20-21, 'luua(?) on his geleafa' glosses 'geþungennysse his geþeahtes'.


      Scragg 1992, 332

  45. Itempp. 223/32-26/26
    • Title (B.3.2.42): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: Wednesday in Rogationtide

      Rubric (initial): In uigilia Ascensionis

      IncipitMen þa leofestan þis syndon halige dagas ˥ gastlice þenunge mid mannum.

      Explicit: ˥ þa egelice stoƿa helle ƿites. þær ealle deo|fle on ƿuniað. Ac þæt ƿe migon ˥ moton his þa mucclan mildheortneysse geear|nian. ˥ mid him ˥ mid eallum his halgum ƿunian. ˥ eadian. abuton ende amen.

      Text Language: English

  46. Itempp. 226/27-31/13
    • Title (B.1.2.28): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Feria IV in Letania Maiore

      Rubric (initial): Feria IIII in letania maiore.

      IncipitIohannes se godspellere awrat | on þisse degðerlice godspelle

      Explicit: Se ðe leofad ˥ rixiað mid feder ˥ þan halga gaste á on ece|nesse amen

      Text Language: English

      Note: Red 'S' in 'Se' at p. 226/31. Third scribe begins stint at p. 226/27. A hand of s. xvi has added 'Joh. 17' after rubric.


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 360

      Godden 1979, p. 206

  47. Itempp. 231/13-36/15
    • Title (B.1.3.18): Ælfric, Third Series of Homilies [Lives of Saints]: On Augeries

      Rubric (initial): Sermo in letania maiore de epistola pauli et de auguriis

      IncipitSe apostol paulus alra þeoda lareow manode.

      Explicit: þe heine lufiað. Sy him ƿuldor ˥ lof á ' to ƿorulde. amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: At p. 232/27 is the title 'Sermo Sancti Augustinide auguriis | ' Red 'A' in 'Augustini'. (Skeat, 18811900, 1. 67). Text underlined at p. 231/16, p. 232/7-8.


      Skeat 1881-1900, I. 364

  48. Itempp. 236/16-42/6
    • Title (B.1.1.23): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Ascension

      Rubric (initial): Sermo in ascensione domini

      IncipitLucas se godspellere us manode

      Explicit: Ic beo mid eoƿ eallum dagum. oð ðissere ƿorulde geendunge. | Se ðe leofað ˥ rixað mid þamhalgum gaste a onecnys|se amen.

      Text Language: English


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 294

      Clemoes 1997, 345

  49. Itempp. 242/6-48/14
    • Title (B.1.1.24): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Pentecost

      Rubric (initial): Sermo in die Sancto Pentecosten

      IncipitFram þam halgan easterlican dæge

      Explicit: sƿa þæt hi settað heora handan ofer geleaddullum manum ˥ bid|dað ˥ rixað a buton ende amen

      Text Language: English


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 310

      Clemoes 1997, 354

  50. Itempp. 248/14-52/15
    • Title (B.1.1.25): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Second Sunday after Pentecost

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium Dominica post octabas pentecosten

      Incipit (Latin): Homo quidam erat diues etinduebatur...

      IncipitSe wealdenda drihten

      Explicit: Se ðe leofað ˥ rixað on ecenesse mid þan elmihtigan feder. ˥ þan halgan | gaste hi þreo on anre godcundnesse ƿunigende butan anginne ˥ ende | a to ƿorulde amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: A hand of s. xvi has added 'Luc 16' at p. 248/15.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 328

      Clemoes 1997, 365

  51. Itempp. 252/16-55/10
    • Title (B.1.2.29): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Third Sunday after Pentecost

      Rubric (initial):

      Incipit (Latin): Homo quidam fecit cenam magnam...

      IncipitSe helende sede þis bispel

      Explicit: Uton biddan þone ælmihtigan drihten þæt he us gebringe to his ecan | gebeorscipe se ðe þurh his tocyme us þær to gelaðode

      Text Language: English

      Note: Space has been left for rubric. A hand of s. xvi has added 'Luk 14' in left margin of p. 252/16.


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 370

      Godden 1979, p. 213 (3rd Sunday after Pentecost)

  52. Itempp. 255/10-56/32
    • Title (B.1.2.30): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Third Sunday after Pentecost: alia narratio

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium

      IncipitMine gebroðra we willað eow gereccan | sume cristes wundra

      Explicit: ˥ us miltsunge biddan ˥ yfel forlætan ˥ eft nege edlæcan þæt ƿe moton | æt ƿindan þamƿælhreoƿan deoflum ˥ gode gedeon þurh godre gehealdum|nysse. þam sy ƿuldor ˥ ƿurðmynt ato ƿorulde. amen.

      Text Language: English


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 378

      Godden 1979, pp. 217/126 ff. (Alia narratio de euangelii textu).

      Pope 1967-68, II. 575/203-579/276

  53. Itempp. 256/33-61/31
    • Title (B.1.1.26): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium | in dominica

      Incipit (Latin): Erant appropinquantes ...

      IncipitÞæt halige godspell rægð [sic]

      Explicit: Geleafful|lum mannum mæg beon mycel truƿa ˥ hopa to þam mænniscu criste se þe is ure | mundbora ˥ dema þe leofað ˥ rixað mide fæder on ancnysse þæ haligan gastes | on ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld á buton ende. amen.

      Text Language: English


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 338

      Clemoes 1997, 371 (Fourth Sunday after Pentecost)

  54. Itempp. 261/31-64
    • Title (B.1.2.32): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium in dominica

      Incipit (Latin): Cum multa turba esset cum Iesu ...

      IncipitMarcus se godspellere cwæð on þisum dægðerlicum godspelle

      Explicit: Se ðe leofað ˥ rix|að on ealre ƿorulda ƿoruld amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: A hand of s. xvi has added '˥ Marc. 8 | post Trin. | ' at right margin p. 261/31-2.


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 394

      Godden 1979, p. 230 (8th Sunday after Pentecost)

  55. Itempp. 265/1-68/4
    • Title (B.1.2.33): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium in dominica

      Incipit (Latin): Adtendite a falsis prophetis...

      IncipitDrihten cwæð to his leorningcnihtum

      Explicit: gif hit crist sylf us nevehete. ˥ forði to middan|earde geƿænde þæt he us to him gesette. Si hisƿuldor ˥ lof mid fæder ˥ halgum gaste. on ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld. amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: A hand of s. xvi has added '8 | post Trinit. | Math [.]' in right margin of p. 265/1.


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 404

      Godden 1979, p. 235 (9th Sunday after Pentecost)

  56. Itempp. 268/4-73/10
    • Title (B.1.1.30): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium in dominica

      Incipit (Latin): Cum appropinquaret...

      IncipitOn sumere tide wæs se hælend farende

      Explicit: ˥ urne forðtid | sƿa gefada þæt ƿe gebettumsynnum; æfter þysum fræcenfullum life; þinum halgum gefer|lahte beon mote. Sy þe lof ˥ ƿuldor on ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: Red 'S' in 'Se', p. 272/19 (Thorpe 1844-46, 412/33). A hand of s. xvi has added 'x post Trin. | Luk 19' in right margin after rubric.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 402

      Clemoes 1997, 410 (11th Sunday after Pentecost)

  57. Itempp. 273/10-76/31
    • Title (B.1.2.35): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium | Dominica

      Incipit (Latin): Dixit Iesus ad quosdam...

      IncipitDrihten sæde þis bigspell

      Explicit: Ge unne eoƿ se ælmihtiga. þurh his mægen þrymme. | on ðyssere ƿorulde gesundfulnesse. ˥ soðre eadmodnysse. ˥ eoƿ a hebbe to his | heofonlice rice. se ðe ana geƿilt ealra gesceafta þe leofað amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: A hand of s. xvi has added 'xj post | Trinit | Luk. 18 | ' at p. 273/11-12, right margin.


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 426

      Godden 1979, p. 249 (12th Sunday after Pentecost)

  58. Itempp. 276/31-79/6
    • Title (B.1.2.38): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium | in dominica

      Incipit (Latin): Nemo potest...

      IncipitDrihten cwæð on sume timan

      Explicit: God us gerihtlæce | ˥ to ðan ece life gelæde sƿa sƿa he behet þan hine lufiað. Sy him ƿuldor | ˥ ƿurð mynt on ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: A hand of s. xvi has added 'xv post Trinit | ' in right margin of p. 276/32.


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 460

      Godden 1979, p. 268 (16th Sunday after Pentecost)

  59. Itemp. 279/ 6-15
    • Title (B.1.2.39): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: De Maria

      Rubric (initial): De Natiuitate Sancte marie

      IncipitHwæt wille we secgan ymbe marian gebyrdtide |

      Explicit: þi ƿe hit lætað unræd | nege bera þyf naht þarto buton for ydelnesse

      Text Language: English

      Note: The words 'ne gebera þys naht þaer to. buton for ydelnesse' follow immediately.


      Thorpe 1844-46, II. 466

      Godden 1979, p. 271

  60. Itempp. 279/15-83/11
    • Title (B.1.1.35): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium Dominica

      Incipit (Latin): Ibat Iesus in ciuitatem que uocaturnaim...

      IncipitUre drihten. ferde

      Explicit: ˥ þam | halgan gaste. Se ðe æfre is of heombam hi dry an ælmihtig god untodæledlic. á | on ecnysse rixiende amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: A hand of s. xvi has added '16 | post Trin. Luk 7 | ' in right margin of p. 279/15.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 490

      Clemoes 1997, 459 (17th Sunday after Pentecost)

  61. Itempp. 283/11-90/2
    • Title (B.1.1.37): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

      Rubric (initial): Ewangelium in dominica

      Incipit (Latin): Loquebatur Iesus ...

      IncipitDrihten wæs sprecende

      Explicit: middan eardes þe lufiendum. þu þe leofast ˥ rixast | mid þam ecan fæder ˥ halgum gaste on ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld a onecennysse amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: Red 'L', red 'D'. A hand of s. xvi has added '20 post Trinit | Math 22 | ' in right margin of p. 283/11-12.


      Thorpe 1844-46, I. 520

      Clemoes 1997, 476 (21st Sunday after Pentecost)

  62. Itempp. 290/3-96/28
    • Title (B.1.3.17): Ælfric, Third Series of Homilies [Lives of Saints]: Memory of the Saints

      Rubric (initial): Sermo de memoria sanctorumquando uolueris

      Incipit (Latin): Ego sum alfa. et o...

      Incipit: Ðæt is on ænglisc. ic eom angin

      Explicit: ƿe magon þurh godes fylst þa feondlican leahtras mid ge | campe ofer ƿinnan gif ƿe kenlice feohtað. ˥ habban us on ende þone ecean | ƿurðment á mid gode flyfum. gif ƿe sƿincað nu her.

      Text Language: English


      Skeat 1881-1900, I. 336

  63. Itempp. 296/28-301/27
    • Title (B.1.6.2): Ælfric, Tracts: De Duodecim Abusivis

      Rubric (initial): Sermo de duodecim | Abusiuis Secundum disputationem sancti Cypriani

      IncipitNu synd twelf | abusiua. þæt synd twelf unþeawas

      Explicit: þæt he ure saƿla underfo þe hi asende to þamlichaman Si him | á ƿuldor ˥ ƿurðment. amen.

      Text Language: English


      Morris 1868, 299/1

  64. Itempp. 301/27-06/33
    • Title (B.1.4.20): Ælfric, Homilies of Ælfric: De doctrina Apostolica

      Rubric (initial): De doctrina apostolica

      IncipitOn manega wisan lærð godes lar

      Explicit: And se ðe | hopað to criste becumð to mitesunge. huru on domes dæge for ðæs | hælendes godnysse. Se us gelæde to ðan ecan lufe. Amen.

      Text Language: English


      Pope 1967-68, II. 622

  65. Itempp. 306/33-17/31
    • Title (B.1.4.22): Ælfric, Homilies of Ælfric: De Falsis Diis

      Rubric (initial): De falsis diis

      Incipit (Latin): (p. 307/1) Fratres dilectissimi diuina scriptura…

      IncipitEala ge gebroðra þa leofostan þæt godcundæ gewrit

      Explicit: Sƿa micelne ƿurðmynt forgeaf se mild heorta | drihten his haldum þegnum þæt he het hi godas. ac nan man næfð sƿa ðeah | nane mihte þurh hine sylfne buton ofðan anum gode þe ealle ðincg gesce|op. þam ƿuldor ˥ lof ato ƿorulde Amen.

      Text Language: English


      Pope 1967-68, II. 676-712.1-140, 150-296, 299-301, 304-514, 565-676

  66. Itempp. 317/31-27/33
    • Title (B.1.6.1): Ælfric, Tracts: Interrogationes Sigewulfi in Genesin

      Rubric (initial): Interrogationes Siwlfi presbiteri

      IncipitSum geðungen lareow

      Explicit: Hella ƿe na | sƿiðor emde ðis sprecan foðanðe ƿe habbað þa nyd be hefestan axunga| nu aƿritene.

      Text Language: English

  67. Itempp. 327/33-33/4
    • Title (B.1.3.13): Ælfric, Third Series of Homilies [Lives of Saints]: Ash-Wednesday

      Rubric (initial): Dominica in quinquagesima.

      IncipitOn þissere wucan on wodnosdæg

      Explicit: Si him a ƿuldor on ecnesse Amen. Ƿe sædon | nu þis spel foþanðe her bið læs manna on ƿodnes dæg ˥ eoƿ gebrod. þæt ge beon ge | serifene on ðissere ƿucan. oððe huru on þussere oððre.

      Text Language: English


      Skeat 1881-1900, I. 260 (Ash Wednesday)

  68. Itempp. 333/4-38/15
    • Title (B.1.3.14): Ælfric, Third Series of Homilies [Lives of Saints]: The Prayer of Moses [De Oratione Moysi]

      Rubric (initial): De oratione moysi in me | dia quadragesima

      Incipitæ  E  fter þan ðe moyses se mæra heretoga | of aegipta lande

      Explicit: ˥ he ana is deor ƿurðra þone þa deora mad | mas. þæt is se ƿisdom. þæt mann ƿislice libbe ˥ his dæda gefarige to his drihtnes ƿillan | þæt he edlean underfo on þam ecan life. Amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: Guide letter of the initial letter in the incipit is 'æ', but the red letter is 'E'.


      Skeat 1881-1900, I. 282

  69. Itempp. 338/16-39/26
    • Title (B.14.42): Excommunicatio VII

      Rubric (initial):

      Incipit (Latin): [E] x auctoritate dei patris omnipotentis. et filii. et spiritus sancti…

      Incipit(p. 339.3) [M] en þa leofestan geherað hwæt þeos boc segþ. Mid ealdorlicnesse ælmihtiges godes

      Explicit: Eall folc cƿeðe soð hit si. geƿurþe þæt.

      Text Language: English

      Note: In left margin, p. 338/16, title supplied in s. xiv hand: 'Excomunicationis formula'. Blank space at p. 339/27-34.


      Treharne 1995, 209-11

  70. Itempp. 340/1-41/25
    • Title (B.1.3.20): Ælfric, Third Series of Homilies [Lives of Saints]: Passion of Saint Alban

      Rubric (initial): Quomodo Acitofel ˥ multi aiii laqueo se suspenderunt

      IncipitIs nu eac to witenne

      Explicit: Ge scylde us se sceppend þ gesceop | us to mannum. ƿið þæs deofles sƿicdom þe syrƿð emde us. ˥ us mildheortlice ge|læde to þam ecan life. on þam is ece ƿuldor on ealra ƿorul. amen.

      Text Language: English


      Skeat 1881-1900, I. 424

  71. Itempp. 341/26-55/24
    • Title (B.1.3.25): Ælfric, Third Series of Homilies [Lives of Saints]: The Maccabees

      Rubric (initial): Kalens Augusti Passio Sanctorum Machabeorum

      Incipit: Efter þam þe alexander

      Explicit: Si ƿuldor ˥ lof þam ƿelƿillendan gode. á on ec'|nesse ƿe cƿeþæð. amen.

      Text Language: English

      Note: Divided into ten numbered sections, though section XI ofSkeat (1881-1900) is not numbered here.


      Skeat 1881-1900, II. 66 (no. 25, ll.1 811)

  72. Itempp. 355/24-56/22
    • Title (B. Ælfric, Third Series of Homilies [Lives of Saints]: The Maccabeescontinued

      Rubric (initial): Qui sint Oratores. Laboratores. Bellatores

      IncipitIs swa þeah to witenne

      Explicit: Hæs nan halif fodes þeoƿa, æfter þæs | hælendes þroƿunge. þe æfre ongefeohte his handa ƿolde afylan. ac hi forbæ|ron ehtnesse aleafra cƿellera. ˥ heora lif sealdon. mid unsceþþinesse for godes | geleafan. ˥ hi mid gode nu libbað forþanþe hi furþon noldon. ænefitgel | acƿellan

      Text Language: English


      Skeat 1881-1900, II. 120

  73. Itempp. 356/22-62
    • Title (B.1.5.15): Ælfric, Remaining Homilies by Ælfric: Judith

      Rubric (initial): Incipit de iudith quomodointerfecit olofernem

      IncipitÞ e secgað nu ærest

      Explicit: Ends imperfectly '˥ god þe gestrangode for þære clænnesse' (Assmann 1889, 1. 393).

      Text Language: English


      Assmann 1889, 102

Object Description


Form: Codex

Support: Parchment. Pages i-iv and 363-66 are paper flyleaves of s. xx; pp. v-viii are s. xvi parchment. Leaves are arranged HHFF.

Extent: iv + 182 + ii leaves

ca. 260 mm x ca. 196 mm (dimensions of all - size of leaves)

213-203 mm x 149-138 mm (dimensions of all - size of written space)


  • Pagination occurs at top right of rectos, iii, iv (paginated i, ii (with fol. 43 in the top right of p. iir), and in black ink on the rectos of 1-361.
  • Medieval arabic foliation in pencil begins at fol. 45 (now p. 1) where it appears underneath the strip of parchment placed by Parker over the erased four lines of the first extant item. This medieval foliation in the middle of the top margin has been partially excised throughout the manuscript, but is half-visible on pp. 27, 39, etc.
  • The medieval foliation is written in ink at pp. 211-39, probably by the annotator of pp. 220-22.
  • Note that the page numbers for the homily in Item 27 are actually 132-143: p. 141 has been paginated as such twice. All succeeding page numbers are therefore two pages out. 


Collation is as Ker 1957 suggests: 18 wants 8, 2 before p. 1, 2-238Indeterminate number of pages missing at end.

Signatures: Quire numbers occur in arabic numerals at the lower right of the recto of each new quire (for example, p. 251 where the number 17 can be seen in the lower right margin).

Condition: The quality of leaves varies from suede-like (Quire 2) to thin parchment (Quire 11), but the condition of leaves and ink is excellent throughout, though pages 1 and 362 show signs of having been left unbound for a time as they are both yellowed. There are few defects (pale staining on pages 10, 11, 280 in the margins, animal pelt holes at pp. 147 and 177, and at pp. 85 and 255, lines 13-14, where the holes are repaired).

Layout Description:

  • Columns: 1
  • Written Lines: 34-35
  • Overview: Single column writing grid with 34 lines per page usually, but 35 in Quire XI. Pencil ruling, done before folding, with single vertical and two horizontal bounding lines at top and bottom (penultimate and ultimate horizontal lines ruled).

Hand Description


Number of Hands: 3

Summary: There are two main hands in the manuscript, writing a very regular, angular script. Scribe 1 wrote pp. 1-50, 203-the end. Scribe 2 wrote pp. 51-202. Insular forms of f and g are used, but Caroline a and r. Hands 1 and 2 are similar enough to be discussed together below. A third scribe, who was also the corrector, rubricator and miniator, wrote pp. 226/27-231/28, 251/10-254/05, and, unnoticed by Ker 1957, also wrote all of p. 233.

Methods of Alteration: Methods of correction include expunction, interlinear insertions, overwriting, and striking through.

Hand: 1 pp. 1-50, 203-the end

  • Scope: major
  • Script: Anglo-Saxon Insular minuscule

Hand: 2 whole manuscript except pages by Hand 1 noted above and 3 noted below

  • Scope: major
  • Script: Late vernacular minuscule
  • Description: These hands can be characterised as a hybrid late vernacular minuscule, evincing significant evidence for a date much closer to the middle of the twelfth century than Ker's assignation s. xii1 allows. The manuscript might, realistically, be dated c. 1140 or thereabouts.
  • Summary of the characteristics of the hand:
    • a is Caroline in both hands, and 'backward-looking', with the bow often touching the preceding letter.
    • æ occasionally has an enlarged bowl of e.
    • c is quite angular.
    • Both round-backed and straight-backed d are used in English, although round-backed d is preferred.
    • e has a pointed bowl in both hands and an extended tongue; there are no visible examples of spurred e.
    • is insular. The crossbar often transects the stem.
    • Insular g varies in form from angular to quite rounded, and occasionally the entire character sits on the line.
    • h is Caroline.
    • o is angular and pointed.
    • p often finishes with a foot to the right of the descender. ƿ is distinct from p by virtue of its pointed bowl.
    • r is Caroline.
    • s is usually high, written on the line and formed with a high rounded head. Long s is rare, as is uncial s, but they do occur occasionally, together with superscript s, which appears at the end of words where space is at a premium.
    • ascenders vary in length; tops are usually wedged or split; backs of d and ð are often taller than the other ascenders, and often higher in the hand of Scribe 2 than 1. 
    • descenders are long in both hands and usually finish with a curve to the left.
    • minims are firned with an attack stroke and all downward strokes are formed with serifs that turn up to the right. The stem is often finished with a serif to the right, and it is used in all positions.
    • Minuscule t shows late features of a downward tick at the end of the headstroke, and the piercing of the headstroke by the stem.
    • þ is preferred in initial position, unless late in the manuscript; its descender is often straight and tapering.
    • ð is written in many different forms, occasionally as one pen stroke in the hand of Scribe 1 (resembling a medieval arabic letter 4).
    • ƿ is distinct from p by virtue of its pointed bowl.
    • is formed with the left foot exaggeratedly extending below the line and the preceding letter.
    • y is usually dotted by Scribe 2, but not by Scribe 1, with both upper limbs curving to the left; occasionally the descender flicks to the right.
    • Capital letters are important for dating purposes: of most significance, the capitals are offset into the margin of the justified writing block. Rustic capitals are most common, but a variety of forms is used for (both Rustic and Uncial), for E (Uncial, Rustic and an enlarged minuscule version); G is the form most commonly seen in Protogothic script. H and are most commonly Uncial; N is often half-Uncial, as is T, on many occasions, a feature most frequently seen in later twelfth-century manuscripts.
    • a variety of forms is used for D (both Rustic and Uncial).
    • for E Uncial, Rustic and an enlarged minuscule version.
    • G is the form most commonly seen in Protogothic script.
    • H is most commonly Uncial.
    • M is most commonly Uncial.
    • N is often half-Uncial.
    • T is often half-Uncial.
  • Abbreviations: Multiple abbreviation marks-all common-include the use of the suspension mark for omitted nasals in the Old English; the ˥ in both Old English and Latin is used for both suspension and contraction, indicating the omission of final nasals, the abbreviation for 'drihten' (with the abbreviation attached to the -t-; and for suspension of -er-. Other words commonly abbreviated are seen throughout the corpus.
  • Punctuation: is generally by punctus, placed low on the ruled line; punctus elevatus; punctus interrogativus; and very rare uses of the punctus versus (p. 234/9, for example).
  • Language: is predominantly Late West Saxon.

Hand: The corrector, rubricator and miniator. Also wrote pp. 226/27-231/28, 233, 251/10-254/05

  • Scope: minor
  • Script: Hand 3
  • Description: Hand 3 is a significant scribe in the compilation of the manuscript, responsible for some corrections, for the rubrics, and for the most idiosyncratic stretch of writing. Language is characterisable as 'early Middle English', inasmuch as it does not adhere to Late West Saxon forms. Also this scribe does not adhere to what appears to be the matched hands of Scribes 1 and 2. In Scribe 3's hand, the general aspect is a little shaky. This hand is predominantly late English Vernacular Minuscule, most notably, it is less of a formal bookhand than those of the other scribes; elements of Scribe 3's hand are more traditionally associated with diplomatic hands of the mid-twelfth century, particularly its currency. Significantly, for dating purposes, multiple ligatures are used not only by Scribe 3, but also by Scribes 1 and 2. The most important is the d+e ligature seen in manuscripts datable to the second half of the twelfth century. This ligature occurs only in the hand of Scribe 3, at pp. 231/3, 231/15, and 251/13, for instance.
  • Summary of the characteristics of the hand:
    • A characteristic feature is his almost three-shaped ˥, often seen in this form in diplomata of the second quarter and middle of the twelfth century.
    • ascenders are often elongated, filling the height of the line, but rarely becoming entangled with the descenders of the line above.
    • descenders curve backwards by means of an angled stroke to the left.
    • minims are formed with an attack stroke leading in to the first vertical line. The limbs of minims have serifs curling upwards from the ruled line to the right.
    • The arches of m are angular.
    • The arches of n are angular.
    • i is important, since this scribe sometimes forms a double as ij, slashing each letter to distinguish it from other minims.
    • Minuscule a is a backward-looking Caroline a with a well-formed bow, and often an exaggerated form of this letter is used, but without any determinable rationale.
    • d is round-backed with a high ascender that usually tapers to the right; it has a pointed bowl.
    • There are three different forms of f: insular f, where the medial crossbar sits on the line; a Caroline form of f, where the crossbar is placed above the ruled line; and a third form, a high f, which sits on the ruled line with the crossbar at minim height.
    • The g is insular and distinctive: it has a very angular tail, closing at a 45 degree angle to the tail-end.
    • h is Caroline, with a lengthy ascender, which is often split.
    • r is quite idiosyncratic here, and takes the form of Insular r with a broken shoulder; it gives the page an impresssion of untidiness, and it is also the letter which helps identify this scribe in the rubrics.
    • Scribe 3 uses high s, long s, and Uncial s for capitalisation.
    • t shows late features: the headstroke occasionally pushes above the stem, and the headstroke turns up to the right or slightly down to the left at the end.
    • This scribe prefers to use þ in all positions. It has a wedged ascender and is pointed at the top and bottom of the bowl.
    • When ð is used it is written with one pen stroke, like a medieval arabic figure 4.
    • ƿ and y are written similarly, with both upper limbs curving to the left. y is seldom dotted.
    • ƿ and y are written similarly, with both upper limbs curving to the left.
    • Scribe 3's capital letters are not demonstrably different from those of the other scribes, though the scribe does use a long-tailed capital U with the descender curved to the left. long-tailed capital U with the descender curved to the left.
Decoration Description

Ink of the main text is black. Titles in red minuscule with red litterae notabiliores, and some red infilling of letter-forms within the text. Letters and titles placed in the margin by the scribe as guides for the miniator/rubricator have often been lost, though some are visible (pp. 68, 76, 327 and 341, for example).


pp. iir-v. A Parkerian Table of Contents occurs on p. iirv in two columns.

s. xvi: pp. 1-6/1 Hand of s. xvi has added 'Post Epiphania' to beginning of title, and 'Cap. 8' at the end. (pp.1-6.1)

There are some contemporary glosses (for which see individual items above).

There are also numerous later glosses, notes and marginalia in pencil and ink. pp. 220-22 are late thirteenth- or fourteenth-century ink glosses and annotations that demonstrate careful reading of this text (Feria III in Rogationibus).

  • At p. 220/27, 'senne' glosses 'leahter', 'prude' glosses 'ofermodignysse'.
  • At p. 222/22 , 'luxuria' glosses 'forlyr'.
  • At p. 220/21, a marginal note reads 'Eleemosina triplex'
  • p. 220/27, the marginal note 'septem capitalis peccata' occurs
  • p. 221/27, marginal note 'septem' p. 222/5, 'vana gloria' in the left margin glosses 'idelwuldor'
  • p. 222/21, 'virtutum ˥ viciorum conflictus' occurs in the left margin.
  • A series of dots, from one dot to seven, occurs beside the text at p. 220/21, 22, 23 and p. 221/8, 13, 19, 24, 31 and refers to the list of the seven sins in the OE text.

There are sixteenth-century glosses on pp. 21-22:

  • p. 21/22, 'desertum' glosses 'westene'
  • p. 21/25, 'tentator' glosses costnere
  • p. 21/27, 'pane' glosses 'hlafe'
  • p. 22/9, 'eternall' glosses 'ecan'
  • 'temporall' glosses 'hwilwændlicum'

Seventeenth- or early eighteenth-century glosses occur:

  • at p. 248/16, 'parabolam' glosses 'bigspell
  • 'baptist' glosses 'fulluhtere', with 'inde fuller' in the right margin.

A number of annotations and pencil markings are not visible on the microfiche. These are:

  • pencil Notae at pp. 252/28282/14;
  • and pencil capitula and vertical lines in the text at pp. 246, 247, 248 (probably by the same annotator of pp. 220-22). A name occurs in the bottom margin at p. 90, but is virtually impossible to interpret: perhaps 'Camillus de Nag''.
  • Grey pencil marks consisting of underlinings and rough crosses appear on pp. 150, 292, and 302-03, and may be the work of Abraham Wheloc, Cambridge University Librarian between 1629 and 1653.
Binding Description

Rebound in tan goatskin in 1956.

Accompanying Material

Added flyleaves of a printed edition of a Latin text at the beginning and the end of the manuscript.

Additional Information

Administration Information

Manuscript described by Takako Kato, Hollie Morgan and Owen Roberson, completed by Elaine Treharne (2012; 13). Bibliography updated by Georgia Henley (2018).


Digital surrogate: (accessed 18 July 2018)



Origin: Almost certainly attributable to Rochester Cathedral Priory.

Provenance: While the origin of this manuscript is probably Rochester, nothing is known of its subsequent medieval history. It was in Archbishop Parker's possession after 1565 when he labelled it 'Homiliarum Saxonicarum Liber Nonus' (S. 17).

Acquisition: Parker bequeathed it to Corpus Christi College in his Indenture of 1575.


Rochester Cathedral Priory


Assmann, Bruno, ed., Angelsæchsischen Homilien Und Heiligenleben, Bibliotek Der Angelsæchsischen Prosa, 13 (Kassel, 1889; repr. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1964)

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Clayton, Mary, and Hugh Magennis, ed., The Old English Lives of St Margaret, Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England, 9 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994)

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Ker, N. R., Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Anglo-Saxon (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957; repr. 1990), item 57

Laing, Margaret, Catalogue of Sources for a Linguistic Atlas of Early Medieval English (Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 1993), p. 23

Morris Richard, ed., Legends of the Holy Rood, EETS, OS 46 (London: Træbner, 1871)

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