Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 190
General Information
A miscellany of ecclesiastical law and custom. 'Two probably distinct manuscripts', one in Latin mainly in s. xi1 with some OE notes and glosses, the other in English written mainly in s. ximed were bound together at an early date, at least before 1327, if not earlier (Ker 1957, p. 70).
The English part of the manuscript consists of 'an older nucleus' (Ker 1957, p. 71) of s. ximed, containing mainly letters of Ælfric to Wulfstan and two penitentials, to which some quires were added s. xi2.
The originally blank recto of the first leaf of Quire 6 and the blank space at the end of Quire 9 contain s. xi2 additions including a form of confession, 'Ic andette þe drihten ælmihtig god' and a form of absolution 'Gemyltsige eow se ælmihtiga god' (p. 365), two articles entitled 'Be mercena lage' (p. 418), and one article entitled 'Be gehádendra áðe. ˥ be hádbote' (p. 420).
The contents of the three quires added to the 'older nucleus' include Ælfric's letter to Wulfsige, bishop of Sherborne (pp. 295-308), one of Ælfric's homilies (pp. 315-19) and two sermons (pp. 351-53, 353-59), the Latin versions of which occur in the Latin section of the manuscript (Ker 1957, pp. 72-73).
Digital Surrogate
- Item: p. 17
- Item: p. 130
- Item: p. 246
Title (C.82.2): Gloss to Liturgical Pieces: Text on ecclestiastical customs by Ælfric OSB, Hrabanus Maurus, Abbo of Saint-Germain-des-Prés and others
Addition: (p. 246) on sƿate and ƿlitan ðines ðu sealt brucan hlafes ðines be heofygende synna ðine mid geðylde mycclon
Note: 'interlinear glosses to the antiphon 'In sudore uultus tui' (Ker)
Ker 1957, item 45
Fehr 1914, p. 247
- Item: pp. 265-66
Title (C.15): Gloss to Defensor of Ligugé, Liber scintillarum (extracts)
Addition: (p. 265) 'þurhbeorht' to 'perspicuus'
Addition: (p. 266) 'fram þysre ƿorulde' to 'huic seculo'
Addition: (p. 266) 'ascyred ƚ asyndrod' to 'discretus'.'
Ker 1957, item 45
Rhodes 1889, pp. 22, 61
- Item: p. 320
Title (B. Ælfric Letters: Preface to his Old English Letters for Wulfstan
Rubric (initial): (p. 320) Prologus uenerabilis aelfrici abbatis
Rubric (medial): (p.320) Finit salutatio
Incipit (Latin): (p. 320) Ælfricus abbas uulfstano uenerabili archiepiscopo
Explicit (Latin): (p. 320) Uale feliciter inchristo
Ker 1957, item 45
Wanley 1705, p. 22
Fehr 1914, p. 68
- Item: pp. 320-36
Title (B.1.8.2): Ælfric, Letters: First Old English Letter for Wulfstan
Rubric (initial): (p. 320) Hic incipit prima epistola anglice exposita
Incipit: (p. 320) Us bisceopum gedafenaðþætƿe þa boclican lare
Explicit: (p. 336) Ƿe biddað eoƿ preostas beoð þyses gemyndig þæs þe ge nu gehyrdonþætge habbanþæta mede þe ure hælend be het þam þe him þeniað.
Colophon (Latin): (p.336) Euge serue boneetfidelis quiasuperpauca fuisti fidelis supra mlta teconstituam intra ingaudiumdominitui. Explixit prima epistola
Ker 1957, item 45
Fehr 1914, p. 68
Thorpe 1840, p. 364
- Item: pp. 336-37
Title (B.1.8.3): Ælfric, Letters: Second Old English Letter for Wulfstan
Rubric (initial): (p. 336) Sequitur secunda epistola quando diuidiscrismam
Incipit: (p. 336) Eala ge mæssepreostas
Explicit: (p. 337) ond cƿæð þus min hus is gecƿeden gebedhus
Ker 1957, item 45
Fehr 1914, p.146
Thorpe 1840, p. 390
- Item: pp. 337-49
Title (B. Ælfric, Letters: Second Old English Letter for Wulfstan [second part]continued
Rubric (initial): (p. 337) Sermo in cenadominiet.VI.feriaetsabbato sanctoSaxonice
Incipit: (p. 337) In cenadominietinparasceueetinsancto sabbato. On þyssum þrym sƿigenihtum ge sceolan singan æt gædere
Explicit: (p. 349) ondþan haligum gaste on anrecodcundnisse hig ðri an god æfre ryxiende a ƿoruld. Amen
Ker 1957, item 45
Fehr 1914, p. 146
- Item: pp. 349-50
Title (B.12.9): On the Mass: Celebration of Vigils
Rubric (initial): (p. 349) De officio missae in uiglia pascae
Incipit: (p. 349) On þone haligan easteræfen
Explicit: (p. 350) ondmid anrecollectanbeluce ða mæssanondcƿæðe
Colophon (Latin): (p. 350) Ite missa est Deo gratias
Ker 1957, item 45
Fehr 1914, p. 228
- Item: p. 350
Title (B.12.9.1.EM): On the Mass: Celebration of Vigils [continuation] (continued)
Rubric (initial): (p. 350) De officio missae in uigilia pentecosten
Incipit: (p. 350) Ðonne on pentecostenes mæsseæfen
Explicit: (p. 350) ond þar æfter gengende eft binnan mid þrim fealdan letanian eal sƿa on æsteræfen
Ker 1957, item 45
Fehr 1914, p. 232
- Item: pp. 366-84
Title (B.11.2.1): Confessionale Pseudo-Egberti: Additional sections printed by Spindler [sections a-y]
Rubric (initial): (p. 366) Her onginnað ðisse boce capitulas. ðe ƿe hatað scriftboc
Incipit: (p. 366) Þas capitulas ecgbyrhti arcebisceop on eoferƿic aƿende ofledene on englisc þæt ungelæredan hit mihton þe eð understandan
Explicit: (p. 384) Se þe forfeadne man fæsteð hit bið him sylfum frofor gif hit þam deadan ne hylpð god ana ƿat hƿæt his deadan gegæþ
Ker 1957, item 45
Thorpe 1840, p. 128
Berbner 1907, p. 11
- Item: p. 384
Title (B. Chrodegang of Metz, Regula Canonicorum [Chapter 83]
Incipit: (p. 384) Sanctus siluester cƿæð ne sceal nan acolitus
Explicit: (p. 384) ondne mæg man nanne diacon ge ƿægnigan butan .XXXVI. sumondmæsrepreost .XLIIII. sum.
Ker 1957, item 45
Spindler 1934, p. 190
Thorpe 1840, p. 166
Napier 1916, p. 97
- Item: pp. 384-86
Title (B. Confessionale Pseudo-Egberti: Additional sections printed by Spindler [sections a-y] [extract]
Incipit: (p. 384) Þeodorus se mæra bisceop
Explicit: (p. 386) Þætis on fæstenumondon ƿæcceumondon gebedumondon halsungum to gode mid heortan onbryrdnysseondmid teara agotennysse
Ker 1957, item 45
Spindler 1934, p. 172
- Item: pp. 387-413
Title (B. Confessionale Pseudo-Egberti: Additional sections printed by Spindler [sections a-y] [extract]
Incipit: (p. 387) Her onginð se forme capitul
Explicit: (p. 413) Gif he ƿyle mid soþre godes lufe him sylfum þingian
Ker 1957, item 45
Thorpe 1840 pp. 170-222
Berbner 1907, p. 18
- Item: pp. 413-14
Title (B.11.2.2): Confessionale Pseudo-Egberti: Additional sections printed by Spindler [section z] [extract]
Incipit: (p. 413) on halgum geƿritum ys gerædd
Explicit: (p. 414) Seo tƿelfte sor gy fennys ys martir had sƿa þam sceaþan ƿearð ær drihtnes þroƿunge þu se hælendhimto cƿæð soð isþætic þe secge nu to dæg þu byst mid me onmines fæder rice
Ker 1957, item 45
Thorpe 1840, p. 222-24
Spindler 1934, p. 174
- Item: pp. 414-16
Title (B.11.10.1): Formulas and Directions for the Use of Confessors
Incipit: (p. 414) Ðys syndon þa godcundan bebodu
Explicit: (p. 416) Ic þe þonne mindrhiteneaðmodlice biddeþætþu me forgyfeþætic þæs bidde þæs þe þin ƿilla sigondminre saƿle ræd on ecnysseondmines ƿorldlifes bletsung anstande
Ker 1957, item 45
Thorpe 1840, p. 224-28
Berbner 1907, p. 25
- Item: pp. 416-18
Title (B.11.5.3.EM): Poenitentiale Theodori and Capitula d'Acheriana [partial]
Incipit: (p. 416) Gif hƿa sƿereð on bisceopes handa
Explicit: (p. 418) Gif he þurh un nytte ceaste-man ofslea
Colophon: (p. 418) Fæste . X. gear.
Ker 1957, item 45
Thorpe 1840, p. 228-30
Berbner 1907, p. 26
- Item: p. 365
Title (B.11.9.1): Forms of Confession and Absolution
Incipit: (p. 365) Ic andette þe drihten ælmihtig god
Explicit: (p. 365) Gemyltsige eoƿ se ælmihtiga god ond forgife eoƿ ealle eoƿre synnaondalyse eoƿ fram eallum yfelum dædum ond gehealde eoƿ fram synnum ond gelæde us crist þæs lifiendan godes sunu into þam ecean life. amen.
Note: Form of absolution transcribed in full as explicit
Ker 1957, item 45
Förster 1942, p. 14
Wanley 1705, p. 111
- Item: pp. 418-20
Title (B.14.48): Mircna laga
Title (B.14.49): Að
Title (B.14.50): Hadbot
Rubric (initial): (p. 418) Be gehadendra aðe ˥ be hádbote
Incipit: (p. 419) Mæssepreostes aðondƿoruldþegnes
Explicit: (p. 420) ond ƿise ƿæron ƿorldƿitan þe to godcundan rihtlagan þas laga seton folce for steore ond halidom ond hada for godes lufan ƿurðodo ond godes hus ond godes þeoƿas deoplice griðedon
Ker 1957, item 45
Liebermann 1903, pp. 462-64
- Item: pp. 295-308
Title (B.1.8.1): Ælfric, Letters: Letter to Wulfsige
Rubric (initial): (p. 295) Be preoste synoðe
Incipit: (p. 295) Ic secge eoƿpreostumþætic sylf nelle beran
Explicit: (p. 308) God ge unne eoƿþætge hit moton sƿa aredigan sƿa eoƿer þearf sy.
Ker 1957, item 45
Thorpe 1840, p. 342 and p. 358
- Item: pp. 308-14
Title (B.1.2.45): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Apostles
Rubric (initial): (p.308) Sequentia Sancti Euuangelii secundum Lucam
Incipit (Latin): (p. 308) In illo tempore designauit dominus et alios
Incipit: (p. 308) Se hælend geceas hit to eacan
Explicit: (p. 314) Sy him aƿuldor ond lof ealra his ƿel dæda. Amen.
Ker 1957, item 45
Thorpe 1844-46, p. 528
- Item: pp. 314-19
Title (B.13.3): De ecclestiasticis gradibus
Rubric (initial): (p. 314) De eclesiasticis gradibus
Incipit: (p. 314) Heah hadas sindon to healdenne
Explicit: (p. 319) Se god þe ealle þing don mæg ond ealra þinga geƿeald ah helpe ureondgefylste usþætƿe magon ond moton his ƿyllan geƿyrcean. Amen.
Ker 1957, item 45
- Item: pp. 351-53
Title (B.3.2.9): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: Ash Wednesday
Rubric (initial): (p. 351) Sermo in capite ieiunii ad populum
Incipit (Latin): (p. 351) Audite fratres karissimi
Incipit: (p. 351) Gehirað broðru þa leofestan ƿe mynegiað eoƿ ealle gemænlice
Explicit: (p. 353) To ðæra geferræddene us eac gebringe crist se ðe leofað ond rixiað mid his efenecan fæder ond þam halgangaste on ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld. amen.
Ker 1957, item 45
Fehr 1914, p. 247
- Item: pp. 353-59
Title (B.3.2.23): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: In Cena Domini
Rubric (initial): (p. 353) Sermo in cenadominiad penitentes
Incipit (Latin): (p. 354) Uerefratreskarissimihoc debetis scire
Incipit: (p. 354) Mine gebroðru ða leofestan ge sculon to soðon ðis ƿitan
Explicit: (p. 359) Ðæs eoƿ geunne se mildheorta drihten þe leofað ond rixað on ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld amen.
Ker 1957, item 45
Object Description
Form: Codex
Support: Large size book. Parchment generally in good condition; seems well used if limpness at corners is an indication. Fols iii + 153 + 64 + iv. Two unnumbered paper leaves at each end are of the date of binding. Pages i, ii are medieval parchment flyleaves.
c. 288 mm x 185 mm (dimensions of all - size of leaves)
230-220 mm x 132 mm (dimensions of all - size of written space)
Quires: Collation of part B (pp. 295-420): 14, 2-48, 58 wants 7, probably blank, after p. 362, 6-88, 96 wants 6, probably blank, after p. 420.
Layout Description: Generous interlinear space. 28 long lines (27 lines on pp. 303-18; 25 lines on pp. 351-64). Blind ruled with double vertical bounding lines and single lines at first and last of horizontal axis.
Hand Description
Number of Hands: 1 main hand from 1060 to 1220, but a number of others also contributed to this set of legal, homiletic and pastoral texts. The main hand is described here.
Summary: The additions of s. xi2 (pp. 130, 295-319, 351-59, 360, 365, 418-20) are 'mainly in one hand of "Exeter" type' (Ker 1957, p. 73).
- Hand: pp. 418-20, 295-359
- Scope: Major
- Script: English Vernacular Minuscule I
- Ker reference: Ker 45 Gneuss G59.5
- Description: pp. 418-20, 295-359. Very like the hand in CCCC 421, pp. 3-96, 209-24 (Ker 1957, p. 73). Script is familiar Exeter style with rounded letter forms. Black ink and often suedey parchment. Very few interventions in Old English section of s. xi2. All insular forms in OE. Interesting spellings ('wirhtan', p. 309). Can easily be read from 1 metre away.
- Summary of the characteristics of the hand:
- Long ascenders, split, with elaborate flags to left and right
- Less long descenders (than ascenders), many curving to left
- e of æ slightly higher than e
- Very low rounded d, sometimes finished with a little curved flick upwards
- Occasional horned e
- f with crossbar longer than headstroke, flat on line, curved descender
- g with sweeping and closed tail that emerges from the far left of headstroke
- i used almost indifferently to y. i is often altered to y in the text of the sermons (pp. 351-59)
- Long s with notable onset stroke and sweep to leftward curve at tail-end. Also low s. End of long s sometimes curls round at top
- ð distinctively hooked downwards at end. Cross-stroke through ascender with flagged flick up to the left at the end. Double ð has one long cross-stroke
- Straight limbed y with dot. y used almost indifferently to i
- No offset initials
- Coloured enlarged initials, and coloured in-fill of some initials and notae occasionally (e.g., p. 314)
- Accents at 45 degrees, with blob at end, often slightly high. Occasional use of c-shaped accent (might be added?); e.g., p. 309. accents a total of about 80 c-shaped accents over short vowels are to be found in this hand.
- Punctuation: Punctus low on line. Punctus versus and interrogativus. Hyphens used-the latter low and flat at both end of line and beginning of next.
- Abbreviations: Few abbreviations and indicated with flat macron curving slightly upwards to left and downwards to right. Abbreviations notable include b with line through it for 'biscop'. 90 degrees ˥ descends below line.
Initials in blue, red and green. Titles in red rustic capitals.
Rebound in 1953; the previous binding was eighteenth-century.
Additional Information
Manuscript described by Elaine Treharne with the assistance of Hollie Morgan, Owen Roberson and Johanna Green (2010; 2013). Bibliography updated by Georgia Henley (2018).
Digital surrogate: (accessed 18 July 2018)
Origin: According to Ker 1957 (p. 73) the script suggests that the first part of the manuscript was added to in Exeter, and the part containing English was written there. The two parts were probably combined in s. xi.
Provenance: The two parts may be the 'canon on leden 7 scriftboc on englisc' that Bishop Leofric (d. 1072) gave to Exeter (Chambers 1933, p. 27). The whole manuscript is certainly the 'Penitentiale uetus et alia plura cum anglico in fine quod sic incipit In principio prec' xij d' in the Exeter catalogue of 1327 (Oliver 1861, p. 309). A note by Parker on fol. 111 of BL Harley 3013 refers to it as a book of the Church of Exeter.
Acquisition: In the list of manuscripts bequeathed by Archbishop Parker to Corpus Christi College (Wanley 1705, p. 110).
Bateson, Mary, 'A Worcester Cathedral Book of Ecclesiastical Collections', English Historical Review, 10 (1895), 715
Berbner, W., Sprache und Heimat des altenglischen 'Scriftboc' im Ms. Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 190 (Bonn: P. Hanstein's, 1907)
Bethurum, Dorothy, 'Archbishop Wulfstan's Commonplace-book', Publications of the Modern Languages Association, 57 (1942), 916-29
Chambers, R. W. , ed., The Exeter Book and Its Donor Leofric, The Exeter Book of Old English Poetry: Facsimile (London: for the Dean and Chapter of Exeter Cathedral by Humphries, 1933)
Cockayne, Oswald, Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England, Being a Collection of Documents for the most Part never before Printed, Illustrating the History of Science in this Country before the Norman Conquest, Rerum Britannicarum medii aevi scriptores 35, 3 vols (London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1864-66; repr. Wiesbaden: Kraus, 1965)
D'Achéry, Spicilegium Sive Collectio Veterum Aliquot Scriptorum (Paris, 1723)
Di Sciacca, Claudia, 'An unpublished ubi sunt piece in Wulfstan's €œCommonplace Book€ù: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 190, pp. 94-96', in Form and Content of Instruction in Anglo-Saxon England in the Light of Contemporary Manuscript Evidence: Papers Presented at the International Conference Udine, 6-8 April 2006, ed. Patrizia Ledinaria, Textes et études du Moyen Age, 39 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007), pp. 217-50
Elliot, Michael D., 'Wulfstan's Commonplace Book revised: the structure and development of €œblock 7€ù, on pastoral privilege and responsibility', Journal of Medieval Latin, 22 (2012), 1-48
Fehr, Bernard, ed., Die Hirtenbriefe Ælfrics, Bibliothek der angelsæchsicschen Prosa, 9 (Hamburg: Henri Grand, 1914; repr. with a supplement to the introduction by Peter Clemoes, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1966)
Förster, Max, 'Zur Liturgik der angelsæchsischen Kirche: III. Ein ae. Apostelgebet', Anglia, 66 (1942), 48-49
Gneuss, Helmut, Handlist of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts: A List of Manuscripts and Manuscript Fragments Written or Owned in England up to 1100 (Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2001), item 59.5
Hall, Thomas N., 'Wulfstan's Latin Sermons', in Wulfstan, Archbishop of York: The Proceedings of the Second Alcuin Conference, ed. Matthew Townend, Studies in the Early Middle Ages, 10 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2004), pp. 93-139
Hill, Joyce, 'Two Anglo-Saxon bishops at work: Wulfstan, Leofric and Cambridge, Corpus Christi College MS 190', Patterns of Episcopal Power: Bishops in Tenth- and Eleventh-Century Western Europe / Strukturen bischöflicher Herrschaftsgewalt im westlichen Europa des 10. und 11. Jahrhunderts, ed. Ludger Körntgen, Prinz-Albert-Forschungen, 6 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011), pp. 145-61
James, Montague Rhodes, Matthew Parker, and A. Rogers, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 2 vols (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1912)
Jones, Christopher A., 'A liturgical miscellany in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 190', Traditio, 54 (1999), 103-40
Ker, N. R., Catalogue of Manuscripts Containing Anglo-Saxon (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957; repr. 1990), item 45
Liebermann, F., ed., Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen, 3 vols (Tæbingen: Niemeyer, 1903), I: Text und Ãœbersetzung
Lucas, Peter J., 'William Retchford, pupil of Abraham Wheelock in Anglo-Saxon: €œhe understands the Saxon as well as myself€ù', Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 12:4 (2003), 335-61
McBryde, J. M, 'Charms to Recover Stole Cattle', Modern Language Notes, 21 (1906), 180
Napier, Arthur S., ed., The Old English Version of the Enlarged Rule of Chrodegang together with the Latin Original; An Old English Version of the Capitula of Theodulf together with the Latin Original; An Interlinear Old English Rendering of the Epitome of Benedict of Aniane, EETS, OS 150 (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Træbner, 1916)
Oliver, George, Lives of the Bishops of Exeter: And a History of the Cathedral (Exeter: Roberts, 1861)
Raith, Joseph, ed., Die altenglische Version des Halitgar'schen Bussbuches, Bibliothek der angelsæchsischen Prosa, 13 (Hamburg: H. Grand, 1933)
Rhodes, E. W., Defensor's Liber Scintillarum, EETS, 93 (Træbner, 1889)
Scragg, Donald, Alexander Rumble, and Kathryn Powell, C11 Database Project (Manchester Centre for Anglo-Saxon Studies,; accessed in 2009)
Schmitz, H. J., ed., Die Bußbæcher (Dæsseldorf, 1898)
Spindler, Robert, ed., Das altenglische Bussbuch (Sog. Confessionale Pseudo- Egberti) (Liepzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1934)
Storms, G., ed., Anglo-Saxon Magic (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1948; repr. Folcroft, PA: Folcroft Library Editions, 1975)
Thorpe, B., ed., Ancient Laws and Institutes of England (London: George Eyre and Andrew Spottiswoode, 1840)
Wanley, Humfrey, Antique literature septentrionalis liber alter (Oxford: Sheldonian Theatre, 1705)
Elaine Treharne