Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 198

Present Location


Medieval Provenance

General Information






A volume of homilies, consisting of sequentially arranged set of texts, written in the early eleventh-century, with additions in contemporary hands and hands of s. xi2. The Tremulous Hand makes numerous interventions, beginning with extensive additions to the original Table of Contents at fol. iii. Fols 321-27, 367-77 contain three homilies added in s. xi2: Items 5661 and 62. See also Item 55 for later addition.

Digital Surrogate

Manuscript Items
  1. Itemfols 1r-7r
    • Title (B.3.2.1): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: Christmas

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 1r) Sermo in natale domini

      Incipit(fol. 1r) Þæt halige godspell be ðære hean medomnysse

      Explicit(fol. 7r) ond rixiað to ƿidan ealdre. amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Förster 1932, p. 107

  2. Itemfols 7r-12v
    • Title (B.1.1.4): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Stephen

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 7r) In nativitate Sancti Stephani protomartyris

      Incipit(fol. 7r) Ƿe rædað on ðære bec

      Explicit(fol. 12v) Nu to dæg hi underfengon stephanumblissiende on heora geferædenne mid þam he ƿuldrað ond blissað a on ecnysse. amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

  3. Itemfols 12v-21r
    • Title (B.1.1.5): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Assumption of St John

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 12v) In assumptione sancti iohannis apostoli

      Incipit(fol. 12v) Iohannes se godspellere cristes dyrling

      Explicit(fol. 21r) þæs him getiðað drihten crist þam is ƿurðmynt ond ƿuldor mid fæder ond mid sunu ond mid halgum gaste a buton ende. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 58

      Sweet 1876, p. 79

  4. Itemfols 21r-27v
    • Title (B.1.1.6): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Innocents

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 21r) V. kalendas Ianuarias In nataleinnocentum

      Incipit(fol. 21r) Nu to dæg godes gelaðung

      Explicit(fol. 27v) ond singað þone niƿan lof sang þamælmihtigum gode to ƿurðmynte se ðe leofað ond rixað a buton ende. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 76

      Sweet 1876, p. 90

  5. Itemfols 27v-34v
    • Title (B.1.1.7): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Circumcision

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 27v) Kalendis IanuariisCircumcisio domini

      Incipit(fol. 27v) Se godspellere lucas be leac

      Explicit(fol. 34v) Sy him ƿuldor ond lof a on ecnysse. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 90

  6. Itemfols 34v-43v
    • Title (B.1.1.8): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Epiphany

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 34v) In epiphania domini

      Incipit(fol. 34v) Men ða leofestan nu for feaƿum dagum

      Explicit(fol. 43v) ond rixiað mid fæder ond halgumgaste on ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 104

  7. Itemfols 43v-47r
    • Title (B.3.2.2): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: First Sunday after Epiphany

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 43v) Dominica I post Theophania domini

      Incipit(fol. 44r) Monað us ond mengað

      Explicit(fol. 47r) ond rixiat mid fæder ond mid halgumgaste a to ƿidan feore. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Förster 1932, p. 149

  8. Itemfols 47r-57v
    • Title (B.1.2.5): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Second Sunday after Epiphany

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 47r) Dominica II post Theophania domini

      Incipit (Latin): (fol. 47r) Nuptie facte

      Incipit(fol. 47r) Iohannes se godspellere cƿæð

      Explicit(fol. 57v) ond rixiað mid fæder ond mid sunu ond id þam halgan gaste in eallra ƿorulda ƿoruld a buton ende. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 54

  9. Itemfols 57v-64v
    • Title (B.1.1.9): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: The Third Sunday after Epiphany

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 57v) Dominica III post Theophania

      Incipit (Latin): (fol. 57v) Cum dscendissed

      Incipit(fol. 57v) Matheus se eadiga godspellere

      Explicit(fol. 64v) þæt hi synt ðry onhadum ond on namum ond an god on anre godcyndnysse æfre ƿuniende buton anginne ond ende. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 120

  10. Itemfols 64v-73r
    • Title (B.1.1.10): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Purification

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 64v) IIII Nonus Februarias In purificatione Sancte Marie

      Incipit(fol. 64v) God bebead on ðære ealdan ae

      Explicit(fol. 73r) Ge þe leofað ond rixað a buton ende. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 134

  11. Itemfols 73r-81r
    • Title (B.1.2.10): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Gregory

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 73r) IIII Idus In natale SanctiGregorii pape

      Incipit(fol. 73r) Gregorius se halga papa engliscre þeode apostol

      Explicit(fol. 81r) ond syððan onðisum dæge geƿat to ðam ecan setle heofonan rices on ðam he leofað mid gode ælmihtigum a on ecnysse. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 116

  12. Itemfols 81r-90r
    • Title (B.1.2.11): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Cuthbert

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 81r) XIII kalendas aprili in nataleSancti Cuhtberhti Episcopi

      Incipit(fol. 81r) Cuðberhtus se halga bisceop

      Explicit(fol. 90r) Sy ƿuldor ond lof ðam ƿe legan drihtne se ðe his gecorenan sƿa cystelice ƿurðað æfter deadlicum life mid him libbendum a on ecnysse ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 132

  13. Itemfols 90r-103v
    • Title (B.1.2.12): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Benedict

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 90r) In natale Sancti Benedicti Abbatis

      Incipit(fol. 90r) Benedictus se halga abbud

      Explicit(fol. 103v) Sy him simle ƿuldor ond lof a on ecnysse mid eallum his halgum se ðe ana is unasæcgendlic god. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 154

  14. Itemfols 103v-10r
    • Title (B.1.1.14): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Annunciation

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 103v) In adnuntiatione Sancte Marie

      Incipit(fol. 104r) Ure se ælmihtiga scyppend

      Explicit(fol. 110r) ond mid ðam halgum gaste a on ecnysse. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 192

  15. Itemfols 110r-17 
    • Title (B.1.2.6): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Septuagesima

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 110r) Dominica in septuagessima

      Incipit (Latin): (fol. 110r) Simile est regnum

      Incipit(fol. 110r) Se hælend cƿæð þæt heofonan rice

      Incipit(fol. 115v) Ƿe ƿillað eoƿ secgan

      Explicit(fol. 117r) on ðam ƿe him singað ecelice alleluan buton gesƿince. Amen


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 72 and p. 84

  16. Itemfols 117r-22v
    • Title (B.1.2.7): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Sexagesima

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 117r) Dominica in sexagessima

      Incipit (Latin): (fol. 117r) Cum turba plurima

      Incipit(fol. 117r) On sume tide ða ða micel meniu

      Explicit(fol. 122v) ond his halgum þæt ece lif habban moton on ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 88

  17. Itemfols 122v-28v
    • Title (B.1.1.11): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Quinquagesima

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 122v) Dominica in quinquagessima

      Incipit (Latin): (fol. 122v) Assumpsit Iesus

      Incipit(fol. 122v) Her is geræd on ðisum godspelle

      Explicit(fol. 128v) þæt is eall folc þe þæt geseah herede god se ðe leofað ond rixað a buton ende. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 152

  18. Itemfols 128v-32v
    • Title (B.1.2.8): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: First Sunday in Lent

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 128v) Dominica in quadragessima

      Incipit(fol. 128v) Men ða leofostan eoƿ eallum is cuð

      Explicit(fol. 132v) mid ðam hi libbað ond rixiað onlic homan ond on saƿle on eallra ƿorulda ƿoruld a buton ende. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 98

  19. Itemfols 132v-37r
    • Title (B.3.2.11): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: Second Sunday in Lent

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 132v) Dominica II quadragessima

      Incipit(fol. 132v) Men ða leofestan ic cyðe eoƿ þæt ðreo ðing

      Explicit(fol. 137r) þas ðing us gedefenað gefyllan mid ðæs fultume þe mid fæder ond mid sunu ond mid ðam halgum gaste leofað ond rixað þurh ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld a buton ende. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Förster 1932, p. 53

  20. Itemfols 137r-40v
    • Title (B.3.2.13): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: Third Sunday in Lent

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 137r) Dominica III in xl

      Incipit(fol. 137r) Geherað nu men ða leofostan hu ðas halgan bec

      Explicit(fol. 140v) þæt hi moton æfter ðam æriste habban þæt ece lif on neorxnaƿanges gefean mid fæder ond mid sunu ond mid ðam halgan gaste on ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld a buton ende. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Assmann 1889, p. 138

  21. Itemfols 140v-45r
    • Title (B.3.2.15): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: Fourth Sunday in Lent

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 140v) Dominica IIII in xl

      Incipit(fol. 140v) Men ða leofestan ƿe ƿillað her sprecan feaƿum ƿordum

      Explicit(fol. 145r) ac ðær habbað ealle halige fulfremede lufe ond fullfremedne ƿillan mid fæder ondmid sunu ond mid halgum gaste. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Belfour 1909, p. 5 

  22. Itemfols 145r-49v
    • Title (B.3.2.16): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: Fifth Sunday in Lent

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 145r) Dominica V. in xl

      Incipit(fol. 145r) Men ða leofestan us is on ælcne sæl geornlice

      Explicit(fol. 149v) þæt he on fo þære ecan mede on heofonan rice þa us gegearƿig se drihten þe mid fæder ond mid sunu ond mid þam halgum gaste leofað ondrixað on ecnysse a buton ende. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Assmann 1889, p. 144

  23. Itemfols 160r-66 
    • Title (B.3.2.18): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: Palm Sunday

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 160r) Passio domini In ramis palmarum

      Incipit (Latin): (fol. 160r) Passio domini nostri IesuChristi secundum Matheum

      Incipit(fol. 160r) Men ða leofestan þis is ures drhitnes þroƿung

      Explicit(fol. 166v) ond rixað mid fæder ond mid sunu ond mid ðam halgum gastes a in ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld soðlice buton ende. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

  24. Itemfols 166v-74v
    • Title (B.3.2.22): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: In Cena Domini

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 166v) Feria quinta in cena domini

      Incipit (Latin): (fol. 166v) De huius diei ueneratione et de domini misericordia in memoria aetene iohannes euangelista uenera

      Incipit(fol. 166v) Sægeð on ðisum bocum be ðære arƿurðnesse

      Explicit(fol. 174v) God us gefultumige þæt ƿe to himbecuman moton se ðe leofað ond rixað a on ecnysse. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Assmann 1889, p. 151

  25. Itemfols 174v-86v
    • Title (B.3.2.24): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: In Parasceve

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 174v) Feria VI in parasceuen

      Incipit(fol. 174v) Hƿæt se ælmihtiga drihten

      Explicit(fol. 186v) his sylfes naman to ƿuldrienne ondto hergenne on ecum gefean ond on ecere engidnysse þurh eallra ƿurulda ƿoruld a buton ende. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Förster 1932, pp. 1-42 and p. 197

  26. Itemfols 186v-96v
    • Title (B.3.2.25): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Temporale: De Sabbato Sancto

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 186v) De sabbato sancto

      Incipit(fol. 186v) Men ða leofestan ƿe magon hƿilcum hƿega ƿordum

      Explicit(fol. 196v) ond seo ðanc ƿurþere herenys a buton ende mealra ƿorulda ƿorulda. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

  27. Itemfols 196v-202r
    • Title (B.1.1.17): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Easter

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 196v) Dominica in die Sancte pasce

      Incipit(fol. 196v) Oft ge gehydron ymbe þæs hælendes ærist

      Explicit(fol. 202r) ond rixað mid þam ælmihtigum fæder ond ðam halgum gaste nu on ecnysse. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 220

  28. Itemfols 202r-06v
    • Title (B.1.1.18): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: First Sunday after Easter

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 202r) Dominica I post pascha

      Incipit(fol. 202r) Æfter þæs hælendes æriste

      Explicit(fol. 206v) ond beoð cuðe geðaðe ær cuðe ƿæron geðaðe uncuðe ƿæron ƿuniende on broðor licre lufe mid gode aon ecnysse. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 230

  29. Itemfols 206v-09r
    • Title (B.1.1.19): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Second Sunday after Easter

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 206v) Dominica II post pascha

      Incipit(fol. 206v) Ðis godspell þe nu geræd ƿæs cyð

      Explicit(fol. 209r) ond rixað mid fæder ond mid ðam halgum gaste a on ecnysse. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 238

  30. Itemfols 209r-13r
    • Title (B.1.2.21): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Philip and James

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 209r) Kalendis maiis in natale apostolorum Philippi et Iacobi

      Incipit(fol. 209r) Philippus se godes apostol

      Incipit(fol. 211r) Ƿe ƿurðiað eac

      Explicit(fol. 213r) Se ðe ana rixað on ecnysse god. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 294 an p. 298

  31. Itemfols 213r-15r
    • Title (B.1.2.22): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Invention of the Cross

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 213r) v. Nonas kalendas Mai inuentio Sancte crucis

      Incipit(fol. 213r) Men ða leofestan nu to dæg ƿe ƿurðiað þære halgan rode

      Explicit(fol. 215r) ƿe hi ƿurðiað afor ƿurðynte cristes se ðe us alysde mid lufe þurh hi þæs ƿe him ðanciað simle on life. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 302

  32. Itemfols 215r-17v
    • Title (B.1.2.18): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Easter

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 215r) Eodem die passio alexandri ueuenti et ðeodoli

      Incipit(fol. 215r) On ðisum dæge þroƿode

      Explicit(fol. 217v) Sy ðam ælmihtigan lof se ðe ana rixað a on ecnysse god. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 308

  33. Itemfols 218r-26r
    • Title (B. Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Easter [second part]

      Title (manuscript): In die Sancto pasce

      Incipit: Men ða leofostan gelome eow is gesæd

      Text Language: English


      Ker 1957, item 48

  34. Itemfols 226r-28v
    • Title (B.1.2.19): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Easter

      Title (manuscript): Item alia de Sancto pasce

      Incipit: Hit is swiðe gedafenlic

      Text Language: English


      Ker 1957, item 48

  35. Itemfols 228v-31v
    • Title (B.1.2.20): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Wednesday in Easter Week

      Title (manuscript): Alia de Sancte pasce

      Incipit: Gelome æteowde

      Text Language: English


      Ker 1957, item 48

  36. Itemfols 231v-36v
    • Title (B.1.2.46): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Martyrs

      Title (manuscript): In natale Sanctorum Martyrum

      Incipit: Cum audieritis ... Se hælende forsæde

      Text Language: English


      Ker 1957, item 48

  37. Itemfols 236v-40v
    • Title (B.1.2.47): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Confessor

      Title (manuscript): In natale unius confessoris

      Incipit: Homo quidam peregre ... Ure drihten sæde þis bispel

      Text Language: English


      Ker 1957, item 48

  38. Itemfols 242v-47v
    • Title (B.1.2.48): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Virgins

      Title (manuscript): In natale Sanctarum uirginum

      Incipit: Simile est regnum celorum decem uirginibus ... Se hælende sæde geomlice bigspell

      Text Language: English


      Ker 1957, item 4 

  39. Itemfols 248r-53v
    • Title (B.1.1.23): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Ascension

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 248r) In ascensione domini

      Incipit(fol. 248r) Lucas se godspellere us monade

      Explicit(fol. 253v) ond rixað mid þam ælmihtigumfæder ond þam halgan gaste a on ecnysse. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 294

  40. Itemfols 253v-59v
    • Title (B.1.1.24): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Pentecost

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 253v) In die pentecosten

      Incipit(fol. 253v) Fram þam halgan easterlican dæge

      Explicit(fol. 259v) þæt se ælmihtiga ƿealdend himsænde þa seofon fealdan gife his gastes se ðe leofað ondrixað a buton ende. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 310

  41. Itemfols 259v-63v
    • Title (B.1.1.25): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Second Sunday after Pentecost

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 259v) Dominica I post octavas pentecosten

      Incipit (Latin): (fol. 259v) Homo quidam erat diues

      Incipit(fol. 259v) Se ƿealdenda drihten sæde

      Explicit(fol. 263v) Se ðe leofað ond rixað on ecnysse mid þam ælmihtigan fæder ond ond þam halgan gaste hi þry on anre godcundnysse ƿunigende buton anginne ond ende a to ƿeorulde. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p,328

  42. Itemfols 263v-66r
    • Title (B.1.2.29): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Third Sunday after Pentecost

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 263v) Dominica II post octavas pentecosten

      Incipit (Latin): (fol. 263v) Homo quidam fecit cenammagnam et reliqua

      Incipit(fol. 263v) Se hælend sæde þis bigspell

      Explicit(fol. 266r) Uton biddan þone ælmihtigan drihtenþæt he us gebringe to his ecan gebeorscipe se ðe ðurh his tocyme þær to gelaðode.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 370

  43. Itemfols 266r-67v
    • Title (B.1.2.30): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Third Sunday after Pentecost: alia narratio

      Rubric (initial):

      Incipit(fol. 266r) Mine gebroðra ƿe ƿillað sume cristes rinda eoƿ gereccan

      Explicit(fol. 267v) ond gode geðeon þurh godre geheald sumnysse; þam sy ƿuldor ond ƿurðmynt a to ƿorulde. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 378

  44. Itemfols 267v-73r
    • Title (B.1.1.27): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: John the Baptist

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 267v) VIII kalendas Iulii natifitas Sancti Iohannis Baptista

      Incipit(fol. 267v) Se godspellere lucas aƿrat on cristes bec

      Explicit(fol. 273r) ond to þam ecan gelæde þam sy ƿuldor ond lof mid fæder ond halgum gaste a on ecnysse. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 350

  45. Itemfols 273r-74v
    • Title (B.1.2.31): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Peter and Paul

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 273r) III kalendas Iulii in natale Sancti petri apostoli

      Incipit(fol. 273r) Lucas se gospellere us sæde on ðissere pistol

      Explicit(fol. 274v) Næs sƿa ðeah þis gedon onðisumandƿeardum dæge ac ƿe hit healdað on ðære nihte ðe gehatað hlafmæsse.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 380

  46. Itemfols 274v-78v
    • Title (B. Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Passion of Peter and Paul

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 274v) Item alia de petre

      Incipit(fol. 274v) Matheus se godspellere aƿrat

      Explicit(fol. 278v) Sy him ƿuldor ond lof on ealra ƿoruld aƿoruld a to ƿidan feore. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

  47. Itemfols 278v-81r
    • Title (B.1.1.28): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Peter and Paul

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 278v) III kalendas Iulii in natale Sancte petri apostoli. Hoc est euangelium

      Incipit (Latin): (fol. 278v) Venit Iesu in partes

      Incipit(fol. 278v) Matheus se godspellere

      Explicit(fol. 281r) þæt sƿa hƿa sƿa oð scyt framannesse ðæs geleafan þe petrus ða andette cristes þæthim ne bið getiðod naðor ne synna forgifenes ne infer þæs heofonlican rices.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 364

  48. Itemfols 281r-86r
    • Title (B. Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Peter and Paul [second part]

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 281r) Passio Apostolorum petri etpauli

      Incipit(fol. 281r) Ƿe ƿillað æfter ðisum godspelle eoƿ gereccan

      Explicit(fol. 286r) Cuð is geond eallum leodscipum þætfela ƿundra gelumpen æt þæra apostola byrgenum ðurh ðæs hælendes tyðe þam sy ƿuldor ond lof a on ecnysse. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 370

  49. Itemfols 286r-91v
    • Title (B.1.1.29): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Paul

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 286r) II kalendas Iulii In natale Sancti Pauli apostoli

      Incipit(fol. 286r) Godes gelaðung ƿurðað

      Explicit(fol. 291v) sy lof þam ƿel ƿillendan drihtne ealra his ƿelena a onetnysse. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 384

  50. Itemfols 291v-95r
    • Title (B.1.2.34): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: James and the Seven Sleepers

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 291v) passio natale sancti iacobi apostoli

      Incipit(fol. 291v) On þisum dæge ƿe ƿurþiaþ on urum lofsangum

      Explicit(fol. 295r) ond ƿurðmynt on ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 412

  51. Itemfols 295r-98v
    • Title (B.1.3.16): Ælfric, Third Series of Homilies [Lives of Saints]: Saint Mark

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 295r) De quarta euangelistas matheus marcus lucas iohannes

      Incipit(fol. 295r) Marcus se godspellere be godes dihte for to egypta lande

      Explicit(fol. 298v) Ƿe endiað þus ðas gesetnysse her ondsyþam ƿel ƿillendan hælende a ƿuldor ond lof buton ælcum ende on ecnysse. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Skeat 1881, p. 116

  52. Itemfols 298v-306 
    • Title (B.1.3.6): Ælfric, Third Series of Homilies [Lives of Saints]: Saint Sebastian

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 298v) XIII kalendas februarii passio sancti sebastiani martyris

      Incipit(fol. 298v) Sebastinus hatte sum halig godes þegen

      Explicit(fol. 306v) se þe geƿealt ealle þinc rixigende á á on ecnysse eces ƿuldres cyning. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844Skeat 1881, p. 116

  53. Itemfols 306v-11v
    • Title (B.1.1.12): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: First Sunday in Lent

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 306v) Dominica in quadragessimo iii

      Incipit (Latin): (fol. 306v) Ductus est iesus

      Incipit(fol. 306v) Ic ƿolde eoƿ trahnian

      Explicit(fol. 311v) se þe leofað ond rixað a butan ende on ecnysse. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 166

  54. Itemfols 311v-16r
    • Title (B.1.9.7): Ælfric: Admonitions in Lent 

      Title (B.3.4.20): Anonymous Homilies [for unspecified occasions, published]: Morris 1874-80, Blickling homily no. 10

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 311v) Incipit de penitentia in quadragessima

      Incipit(fol. 311v) Læƿedum mannum is to ƿitne þæt ælc man

      Explicit(fol. 316r) Sy lof se lyfað ond rixað in ealra ƿoruld a ƿoruld a butan ende on ecnysse. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 602-08

      Morris1874-80, pp. 111-14

      Napier 1883

  55. Itemfols 316r-21r
    • Title (B.1.4.4): Ælfric, Homilies of Ælfric: Dominica III in Quadragesima


      Rubric (initial): (fol. 316r) Dominica III in quadgragesima

      Incipit (Latin): (fol. 316r) Erat ihesus eiciens

      Incipit(fol. 316r) On þære mærran tide

      Explicit(fol. 321r) Uton herian urne drihten ond þæthalige ge healdan þæs us ge unne se ælmihtiga ƿealdend se þe a rixað a on ecnysse. Amen.

      Addition(fol. 321/23-26) þis is þæt boc þæt ic Ulf h[...]ba tale(?) ƿiþ(?) ilce mann on scyr ond clænne(?) mis min f(?)æg me to handa. Crist eoƿ h[ealde]

      Date: s. xiin; the addition in s. xi2.

      Note: According to Ker, the addition is on two lines immediately after the end of the homily in a hand of s. xi2.They are over an erasure of three lines of earlier writing. The form suggests a charter.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Müller 1835, p. 19

  56. Itemfols 321v-27v
    • Title (B.1.1.33): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Bartholomew

      Title (manuscript): De Sancto bartholomeo

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 321v) de sancto bartholomeo

      Incipit(fol. 321v) Ƿyrd ƿriteras secgaþ

      Explicit(fol. 327v) ˥ mid fulfremedum geðingðum ge ƿat to drihtne þam is ƿurðmynt ˥ ƿuldor a on ƿorulde. AMEN.

      Date: Added in s. xi2.

      Note: Incomplete. The title 'De Sancto bartholomeo' was added in s. xiii.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, I, p. 454-70/18

  57. Itemfols 328r-42v
    • Title (B.1.3.25): Ælfric, Third Series of Homilies [Lives of Saints]: The Maccabees

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 328r) kalendas augustus passio sanctorum machabeorum

      Incipit(fol. 328r) Æfter ðam ðe alexander se egefulla

      Explicit(fol. 342v) forðan ðe hi furðon noldon ænne fugel acƿellan


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Skeat 1885, p. 66 and p. 120

  58. Itemfols 342v-50r
    • Title (B.1.1.31): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Laurence

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 342v) III Idus augusti passio sanctilaurentii martyris

      Incipit(fol. 342v) On decius dæge þæs hreoƿan caseres

      Explicit(fol. 350r) for ðæs naman he ðroƿode mid cenum mode mænigfeade tintregu miððam þe orsorhlice on ecnysse ƿuldrað. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 416

  59. Itemfols 350r-59r
    • Title (B.3.3.20): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Sanctorale: Assumption of Mary the Virgin

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 350r) In assumptione sancte marie uirginis

      Incipit(fol. 350r) Men ða leofestan gehyrað nu hƿæt her segð on ðissum bocum be ðære halgan fæmnan

      Explicit(fol. 359r) ond eces ƿuldres to ðæm us gefult mige ure drihten. Amen.

      Note: The lower half of the final folio (fol. 359r) has been removed.


      Ker 1957, item 48

  60. Itemfols 360r-66v
    • Title (B.1.1.36): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: Dedicatio ecclesiae sancti Michaelis

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 360r) III kalendas octobris dedicatio ecclesie sancti michelis archangeli

      Incipit(fol. 360r) Manegum is cuð seo halige stoƿ

      Explicit(fol. 366v) ond ðingeræ on heofonum to ðæmælmihtigum an gode se ðe liofað ond rixað a on ecnesse. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 502

  61. Itemfols 367r-74v
    • Title (B.1.1.2): Ælfric, First Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies I]: De Initio Creaturae

      Rubric (initial):

      Incipit(fol. 367r) An anginn is ealra ðinga

      Explicit(fol. 374v) ond geearniaþ mid goodum ƿeorcumþæt ece lif mid gode se þe ana on ecnisse rixaþ á á ƿorulde. Amen.

      Date: Added in s. xi2.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, I, p. 8

  62. Itemfols 374v-77 
    • Title (B.3.4.17): Anonymous Homilies [for unspecified occasions, published]: Kluge 1885, 474: De sancto iohanne

      Title (manuscript): (fol. 374v) De Sancto Iohanne

      Incipit(fol. 374v) Sanctus Iohannes geseah ofer garsegc sƿilce hit land ƿære

      Explicit(fol. 377r) Se þe leofað ond rixað soðlice mid fæder ond sunu ond mid þam halgan gaste a buton ende. Amen.

      Date: Added in s. xi2.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Kluge 1885, p. 477

  63. Itemfols 378r-85v
    • Title (B.1.2.42): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Martin

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 378r) III Idus novembris depositiosancte martini episcopi

      Incipit(fol. 378r) Martinus se ƿoldorfulla godes andettere

      Explicit(fol. 385v) Sy oðam aƿuldor on ecere ƿorulde þe leofað ond rixað þurh hine sylf ne god. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 498 and p. 516

  64. Itemfol. 385 
    • Title (B.1.2.43): Ælfric, Second Series of Homilies [Catholic Homilies II]: Excusatio dictantis

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 385v) Excusiatio dictantis

      Incipit(fol. 385v) Fela fægere godspell ƿe forlætað

      Explicit(fol. 385v) Hio is sƿa ðeah eallful ge leaflic buton þam anum þe agustinus ƿið sæcð


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Thorpe 1844, p. 520

  65. Itemfols 386r-94v
    • Title (B.3.3.1): Anonymous Homilies, Homilies for Specified Occasions, Sanctorale: Saint Andrew

      Rubric (initial): (fol. 386r) sancti andreae

      Incipit(fol. 386r) Her sigð þæt æfter þam þe drihten

      Explicit(fol. 394v) ond hie cƿædon an is drihten god se is hælend crist ond se halga gast þam is ƿuldor and geƿeald on þære halgan þrynnysse þurh ealra ƿorulda ƿoruld soðlice a butan ende. Amen.


      Ker 1957, item 48

      Goodwin 1851

      Bright 1892, p. 113

      Morris 1874-80

Object Description


Form: Codex

Support: Mixed. Parchment is yellowy and waxy on hairside, and very flexible. Fol. i is a Parkerian flyleaf taken from an account roll, s. xv. Fols 196-97 were originally blank leaves of another larger manuscript: traces of writing are still visible on narrow strips of the leaves formerly conjugate with them, which have been preserved to attach them together.


c. 271 mm x 187 mm (dimensions of all - size of leaves)

c. 215 mm x 135-107 mm (dimensions of all - size of written space)

Foliation/Pagination: Fols v + 395 + iv. The first three and last four leaves are modern flyleaves of the date of binding and are not numbered. The other leaves are foliated i-iii, 1-394.


Quires: Collation of fols ii, 1-394: 1-188 (fols iii, 1-143), 196 (fols 144-49), 2010 (fols 150-59), 21-248 (fols 160-91), 2510 (fols 192-201), 26-308 (fols 202-41), 316
> + 1 leaf after 4 (fol. 246: wants 6 after fol. 247), 32-458 (fols 248-359), 468 wants 8, probably blank (fols 360-66), 478 (fols 367-74), 483 (fols 375-7), 498 (fols 378-85), 5010 wants 10 (fols 385-94). Condition Shows signs of significant use, judging by the dirt and softness of corners and margins. By fol. 367, condition of parchment is poorer, with original holes (fol. 367/2-6), and evidence of end-pieces being used (e.g., fol. 371). Layout Description Ruling is drypoint, often very deeply cut on more than one leaf at a time. Single bounding lines in Quires 4-10, 20, 28-31, 45 and in parts of other quires.

Hand Description


Number of Hands: 3 from the period 1060-1220

Summary: The oldest part of the manuscript is by four scribes, with contemporary additions by five or six scribes. The additions from s. xi2 are by three scribes. Ker 1957 notes that 'all three hands are poor' (p. 82). Spellings such as 'mon', 'beorend', 'weorod' and 'heafð' occur in these later additions only. The hand of fol. 321v with the note about 'Ulf' is also s. xi2.

Hand: homily

  • Scope: major
  • Scribe: Ker 48 SC9
  • Script: late eleventh-century
  • Description: fols 231v, 367-74v.
  • Summary of the characteristics of the hand: This is a very round hand using a straight-cut nib. There are few abbreviations, and legibility seems the key to this scribe's stint. Laterally somewhat compressed, the rotundity of the letter forms provides the sense of ampleness to the writing. Slight forward-leaning aspect.
    • a is very round with a curved tail to the right.
    • The e component of æ rises above the a component.
    • d is round-backed with a short upward stroke.
    • e is very rounded with an extended tongue in final position.
    • f has a crossbar flat on the line which transects the vertical very notably.
    • The tail of insular g begins in the middle of the headstroke, and the open tail is generous, curved and sweeping.
    • minims are even, with barely any serifs.
    • p has a very rounded bowl, and a short foot at the end of the descender.
    • s is long with a small onset stroke to the left. By fol. 367r, the head of long s is occasionally elaborately curved, particularly at line-ends.
    • ð has a long ascender at 60º or so, with a cross-stroke which only just transects the ascender and flicks down to the right.
    • y is straight-limbed with a long tail, and is consistently dotted in the middle.
    • ascenders have a slight wedge, which is higher on the right than the left.
    • descenders are straight and even.
    • accents are very steep.
  • Abbreviations:
    • Abbreviated æ has a long cross-stroke which curves up to the right.
  • Punctuation: punctus sits just above the ruled line.
  • Ligatures: st ligatures are avoided.
  • Litterae Notabiliores: The nota begins at minim height and descends below the line at 90º.

Hand: homily

  • Scope: major
  • Scribe: Ker 48 SC10
  • Script: late eleventh-century
  • Description: fols 322-27. At top left of upper margin of fol. 323v 'ae[eth]elric' is written in same script and same ink as Scribe 10. At fol. 323v in upper and left margins there are erased notes.
  • Summary of the characteristics of the hand: This scribe appears to be attempting to emulate the round hand of Scribe 9, but is a much less competent scribe: the even-ness of Scribe 9 is not apparent, and there is a shakiness to the duct of Scribe 10 that suggests slowness in the copying process, and a lack of proficiency. This is confirmed by scratchy letters and ink blotches (fol. 322r/18-19). Some angularity in letter forms such as d and ð.
    • d is round-backed with a low back which flicks up to the right.
    • f has a cross-stroke, flat on the line, piercing the stem.
    • s is consistently low, with one uncial form as capital, but by fol. 323r, long with an elaborate rounded head is evinced.
    • ð has a cross-stroke to the right of the ascender only, curving down at the right, though by fol. 326r it pierces ascender.
    • Straight-limbed, dotted y has a distinctive flick to the right by fol. 323r.
    • Square capital N sometimes occurs in final position, sometimes elaborate to fill space.
    • The square form of capital is notable.
    • ascenders have slight tags to the left.
    • descenders are relatively short and occasionally curve slightly to the left or have flat feet extending across the bottom.
  • Abbreviations:
    • The ˥ is large and at 90º. It sits on the line, above minim height.
    • The abbreviated þ for 'þæt' has a macron only from the ascender and finishes with flick up to the left.
  • Punctuation:
    • punctus on the line. punctus versus and punctus interrogativus are used.
    • Low, flat hyphen at line-end.
  • Ligatures: st ligature is avoided.
  • Correcting technique: Correction by erasure, by subpunctus and interlinear addition. Correction also by signe-de-renvoi (fol. 326v) comprised of backwards c plus bar plus c, with dot above and below bar.

Hand: homily

  • Scope: major
  • Scribe: Ker 48 SC11
  • Script: late eleventh-century
  • Description: fols 374v-77.
  • Summary of the characteristics of the hand: The rubric and initial S here are red, with red infill on some of the small capitals on that folio. If this is another scribe (and not the same as Scribe 9, which seems very likely), there is a round duct, and a mostly upright aspect. Once again, the writing is slightly compressed laterally, but the bodies of the letters are abundantly rounded. There are few abbreviations, and legibility seems the critical feature.
    • a is very round with a curved tail to the right.
    • The e component of æ rises above the a component.
    • d is round-backed with an short-ish upward stroke.
    • e is very rounded with an extended tongue in final position.
    • f has a crossbar flat on the line which transects the vertical very notably.
    • The tail of insular g begins in the middle of the headstroke, and the open tail is curved and usually closed.
    • minims are even, with small feet to the right.
    • p has a very rounded bowl, and a short foot at the end of the descender.
    • Long and low s, with a slightly hooked shoulder.
    • ð has a long ascender at 60º or so, with a cross-stroke which only extends from the right of the ascender; the cross-stroke flicks down to the right.
    • y is straight-limbed with a long tail, and is consistently dotted in the middle.
    • ascenders are wedged.
    • descenders are straight and even.
    • accents are very steep.
  • Abbreviations:
    • Abbreviated þ has a long cross-stroke which curves up to the right.
  • Punctuation: The punctus sits just above the ruled line.
  • Ligatures:
    • st ligatures are avoided.
  • Litterae Notabiliores:
    • The nota begins at minim height and descends below the line at 90º.

Hand: additions

  • Scope: minor
  • Scribe: Tremulous Scribe
  • Script: English Vernacular Minuscule
  • Description: Numerous interventions, beginning with extensive additions to the original Table of Contents by the Tremulous Hand.
  • Date: xiii1
Decoration Description

Titles mainly in metallic red capitals. Initials are a metallic red, occasionally with some ornament, for example ball and crescent. Fol. 128v: One initial is green. Fol. iir: Image of four synoptic gospel writers and SS Peter and Paul. The book in the hand of the lower right character is open, and seems to depict an opening with an illustration on the verso (coloured in a purplish ink) with blue on verso. Other apostles hold closed books, with the left-most apostles holding books with covered hands (the hand in the lower left was originally uncovered and then a sleeve was drawn up over it).

Binding Description

Binding of s. xii. Ker (1957) notes that the previous binding (s. xvi) was presumably of dark skin as it is referred to as 'Liber niger' in CCCC 421, p. v and Cleopatra B. xiii, fol. 1v (p. 82).

Additional Information

Administration Information

Manuscript described by Elaine Treharne with the assistance of Zöe Enstone, Hollie Morgan and Johanna Green (2010; 2013). Bibliography updated by Georgia Henley (2018).





The origin of the manuscript is unknown. The spellings of the late eleventh-century additions suggest that they were written in the west of England.


The annotations throughout by the Tremulous Hand show that the manuscript was at Worcester by s. xiii at the latest.


S (8) in the list of manuscripts bequeathed by Parker to Corpus Christi College.




Ångström, Margareta, Studies in Old English Manuscripts (Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri-A.-B., 1937)

Assmann, Bruno, ed., Angelsæchsischen Homilien und Heiligenleben, Bibliotek der angelsæchsischen Prosa, 13 (Kassel: Wigand, 1889; repr. 1964)

Belfour, A. O., ed., Twelfth-Century Homilies in MS. Bodley 343, EETS, OS 118 (London: Kegan Paul Trench Træbner, 1909)

Birch, Walter de Gray, Memorials of Saint Guthlac of Crowland (Wisbeach: Leach & Son, 1881)

Bright, James Wilson, An Anglo-Saxon Reader (New York: Henry Holt, 1862)

Cataldi, Claudio, 'St Andrew in the Old English Homiletic Tradition', Hagiography in Anglo-Saxon England: Adopting and Adapting Saints' Lives into Old English Prose (c. 950-1150), ed. Loredana Lazzari, Patrizia Ledinara, and Claudia Di Sciacca, Textes et études du Moyen Age, 73 (Barcelona: Fédération Internationale des Instituts d'Etudes Médiévales, 2014), pp. 293-308

Collier, Wendy E.J., 'A thirteenth-century user of Anglo-Saxon manuscripts', Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 79:3 (1997), 149-65

Conti, Aidan, 'An anonymous homily for Palm Sunday, the Dream of the Rood, and the progress of Ælfric's reform', Notes and Queries n.s. 48:4 (2001), 377-80

Evans, Ruth, 'An anonymous Old English homily for Holy Saturday', Leeds Studies in English, n.s. 12 (1981), 129-53

Evans, Ruth, 'Worcester glosses in an Old English homily', Notes and Queries, n.s. 26:5 (1979), 393-95

Förster, Max, Die Vercelli- Homilien, I. Hælfte, Bibliothek der Angelsæchsischen Prosa, 12 (Hamburg: Henri Grand, 1932)

Gneuss, Helmut, Handlist of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts: A List of Manuscripts and Manuscript Fragments Written or Owned in England up to 1100 (Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2001), item 64

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